1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session april 27 1971" AND stemmed:steadi)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 1/66 (2%) sacrifice Ned evolved Chary isolated
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 Tuesday

[... 31 paragraphs ...]

The trouble was that you wanted to hide in concepts, and so he brought you out of them so that you could acknowledge the self that deals in concepts, and then give you some relief and release. He leads you back into concepts again. There is nothing wrong with concepts at all as long as you do not use them as hiding places or as steps of security from which you will not leap, one into the other. Or unless you use them to hide your own emotional reality. Within you concepts and actions are one, and you recognize this, and your inner lives are based upon it, but your mental lives are often based upon ideas, until recently, have been considered very modern and very in, such as the idea of evolution. And yet, if you had listened to what I have been saying, again, you would have known the theory to be a pretty tale. Life bursts apart in all directions as consciousness does and explodes in all probable directions. There is not one steady stream of progress.

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

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