1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session april 27 1971" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
This is your reality, accept it or hide within all concepts. It is up to you. Make this information personal, emotional and a part of your lives. These secrets, as our friend here told Ruburt, that you have told in class, that have had such weight to some of you, how dare any of you hold these secrets up between yourselves and All That Is and the experience that is waiting for you and available? That you think these secrets are that important, that they can stop the energy of the universe from working its way through you when that energy gives you your vitality and strength. For all of these issues are related, and the movement of your thought is as lively as the movement of any molecule and far more powerful.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
I have told you often that I use the means available to me for teaching purposes, and many of you wondering when I use the voice with force, why I do so, should by now recognize the fact that the energy generated is spent by you in many ways, and that if atoms and molecules could jump up and sing in a great congregation then they would, indeed, make such a noise in such a fashion in their own way and to remind you not to be so sober and not to hold your problems as gates holding back the universe. If I can afford to be undignified and show myself then it seems to me that you can. And that applies to each of you. And you.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
Older, living, in this system, but not now. That is, this is not an immediate alternative. It is an eventuality. And you cannot, it seems, continue to do as you are doing. You are realizing, beginning to realize, some of your own abilities and they are being misdirected, in the position of which you speak. For several reasons, not all of them are religious, many of them simply cultural, you do not relate on a deep level to some of the people with whom you deal, the ordinary, square parishioner with quite conventional religious ideas. You cannot explain your ideas in his terms, and you cannot accept his interpretation. You have felt for some time, as you know, that you are living a lie in that regard, and yet you do not know where to turn your abilities or into what field. When I spoke to you it was obvious that you would leave, and that you would not continue. But you will work with organizations and as a director within them. Those even that seem to have a secular nature you will mold. There is no real doubt in your mind as to which course to follow. And I will not tell you what line you will follow with. That is for you to work out with other... But you must find a position in which your full energies can be directed rather than scattered as they are now in several endeavors. And that is most important for in that way you can feel progress and a concentration of energy. Now your energies are scattered, and you do not feel accomplishment.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]