1 result for (book:ecs3 AND heading:"esp class session april 20 1971" AND stemmed:our)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(To Mark.) And, our friend over here, I thank you for the work involved. I am delighted that you made the progress, and I will not say anything else.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
I not only support you but congratulate you, and I want you all to know that the effort involved on Our Lady of Florence’s part this evening was only somewhat short of fantastic, and that her achievement more than equals the achievement of those who had had the projections. In trying to deny these early facts of your existence you have shut off strong portions of your own energy and creative strength so that they could not operate for you in your life. You used, literally, a half of your energy repressing these memories and ideas building up a bridge between yourself and the rest of the world in terror that they should discover this secret, and so constructively you could not use this energy. And you built up about your physical image a fortress of flesh to protect you. The image that you have has been built around you from these fears so that you would be so secure that none could find out the secret. And the secret when it is said, you see, releases that energy, particularly as you begin to understand that in that past there was nothing shameful. That the ideas of Orientals that you had at that time were highly distorted. That other incidents of which I know are not, in those terms, my dear Lady of Florence, shameful. The energy can, therefore, be released.
Now we have done several things this evening and as always our Lady of Florence had a good part to play. The inner gestalt of the group has been opened, for one thing, and a better group unity will result. For another thing, through listening to what others have said you should realize the vitality that is distorted in these deep charges that you often carry within you for these deny you the use of your own energy. They literally tie you up in knots.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Now my relationship with you, brought up quite cleverly by our friend over here, is indeed a strange one since you do not relate to me as you do to each other. But you may tell our friend over here the effort I make precisely so that you do not set me up as a demigod and that you use your own abilities. Now if this were not the case you would be dealing with my friend, Seth II, all of the time so you had all better watch out.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Now I will help our good friend, but first I have a few remarks.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Seth II:)(Words lost)...observed then realize that we are highly interested in such experiments as Seth is conducting, and that as we observe you, so do you, though unconsciously, observe other realities in your sleep state. If our reality seems strange to you then yours seems strange to us. We move through systems such as yours faster than the speed of light, and so what I am saying is already a translation and, in your terms, a message left in the past of your time. Your own consciousness also travels faster than the speed of light, and big portions of you does understand, to some degree, the nature of our reality. At least it has an innate comprehension of the probabilities in which you exist. There are portions of your own identity, in other terms, that dwell in these probable systems that have not known physical reality and that come to observe those portions of itself that have so developed in that fashion. And so do we observe and does yourself serve as a translator in our behalf. Unfortunately, we do not communicate easily with the portion of you that can understand. You are not in communication with that portion of yourselves that is not physical, that was never physical and that will not know physical existence at all, and since you identify with the physical self then, indeed, we come to you in the guise of ghosts that you do not understand our forms that you cannot see. And yet, since we seeded the universe in which you have your present existence then do we observe, and do we watch, and do we have concern.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]