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ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 13/71 (18%) secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 3 Sessions 1/5/71 to 5/18/71
– © 2010 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I have a few more suggestions that I am sure you will all be very excited about and I do, indeed, have some issues planned for you and so tonight I have another question.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now I suggest that we continue where we began and I am highly amused with all the conversation it spontaneously erupted. You have, indeed, appointments with the universe but your first appointment is with yourself and when you have the courage to meet that appointment then begin thinking of the universe for then you will realize that you and the universe are, to a large extent, one but not while you hedge. You know what it will be because I know what you have not told.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

All of life as you know it is vulnerable. Existence as you know it is vulnerable, but if you are vulnerable to sorrow and doubt you are also vulnerable to exaltation and joy, so do not attempt to close off from your feelings or be ashamed of them or deny them. Creativity is always vulnerable and within the vulnerability of your present life is the key to your own infinite existence. The leaves are vulnerable to storms, to temperature, and they bend gently. They give and do not attempt to stand rigidly against their nature.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You only imagine that you stand rigid. You are afraid of fear. You are openly vulnerable, not only to fear, but to the creativity that courses through your being. You move quickly, emotionally, and there is nothing wrong with this. Let yourself go and do not be afraid of your feelings. Do not try to make a rock. Do not try to make yourself into a cold star from which you can observe the rest of humanity and be safe from it. That would not help. Do not believe it, feel it. Simply feel it, and let the beliefs go. The beliefs will come when you allow yourself to recognize all your feelings. When you set up blocks against the negative ones, you also set up blocks against the creative spontaneous ones. Now, let the arm go. That is natural enough for now. You will find it, it is within you. Do not try too hard. Take it for granted that you already know it. For you do, and it will find you.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now those of you who have families, within that framework if you watch and listen, and you do, there are moments of unbearable and unspeakable agony as you recognize the aloneness of the human spirit in what seems to be an unfeeling universe. And there is also the unspeakable exaltation that you feel and cannot explain, as you watch your children grow and as you feel, even within yourself, the recognition, the spiritual recognition, that comes when flesh meets flesh and this is what you chose to encounter. The voice and the speaker gave you  your alternative. And the children will be taken away as all human children are. In your terms, those who are grown are always taken away, and the voice spoke in those terms, and you made your choice.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now the one goal not only of my existence, and I feel this personally, but of all existence is creativity. I do not speak to you, in your terms, because you find it so difficult to understand or experience the reality of creativity and so all personalities, in whatever their sphere of activity, are involved in the nature of creativity. And this involves the creation of further value fulfillment, of consciousness that is not a burden, as sometimes your consciousness seems to be to you, but joy upon which other universes can also rest. The consciousness and creativity of one, while seeming alone, is not alone but is a threshold upon which others may rest, and a framework from which others may grow.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now you all want to do fine and mighty spiritual things and many of you, as much as possible, want to do these things without facing the self that you know. And in order to have a good framework you must begin with the self that you know, and you must not ignore feelings or emotions, and you must not decide which feelings or emotions you will accept and which you will reject. You will understand them all as legitimate experience and go on from there. You will not hide in concepts, and I will not allow you, any of you, to hide in concepts.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now what makes you ask the question or doubt that any reality could be without it, for it is the basis for any reality that any consciousness knows. If it would not be love, then I would not be here, and if it were not for love, you would not have the planet that you know. Your negative emotions appear to you quite obviously as ill health and wars and desolation, and when something is wrong you recognize them. But the innate love within you, that you are often too embarrassed to express, forms the planet that you know, the physical bodies that you inhabit, the seasons and the reality in which you presently have your existence. And love also forms a framework in which I have my existence. Hopefully, those in my sphere of existence realize that all ends are creative.

([Ron:] “What do you mean, all ends are creative?”)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I do, indeed, and all consciousness of whatever extent feels love though it may not know the verbal designation for that is the basis of all existence. And there is no existence when you try to separate feeling from reality or consciousness from its experiences. And now it is time for your secret.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

I am talking first of all of Bette and Joel, then I am speaking of you and Sue and then I am speaking of you and Joel. Now do we have that settled? Now I am not going in depth, I am merely bringing to the surface feelings of which I know, of which you may or may not be aware, but in which you are involved. Is that clear?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now I bid you all a fond good evening so that you can relax.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(To Sally.) I can show you the children you have had in the past, and those you will have in the present and in the future. For the present, past and the future are all present, but not when you hit the panic button when I come as you have done in the past.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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