1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 22 1970" AND stemmed:leav)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
We have had more enthusiastic responses. Now this is a preliminary. The rest will follow as you are ready for it and if you rush up in rage against me then I will leave Ruburt to face it. So listen. Now consciousness is a beautiful, personified, precarious thing. You cannot really see it or feel it or touch it and yet you know its characteristics. The cat taught you to love again and to open up again. You were also close to hiding within your home with the cat and ignoring physical reality. The love which was awakened is to be directed in other areas, and you may speak when I am finished, but for this one time I will have my say.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
When you think in terms, for example, of remarriage or when your children urge it upon you, then you think in terms of yourself. You do not think in terms of those who need love and affection and who are more lonely than yourself, lacking children, and who are looking for not only affection but the simple courtesy that another individual can show by recognizing their existence. You were not able to translate or transform that love outward. At the same time you extended the consciousness of the animal, it became more than it was. Its consciousness was ready to leave and adapt another form.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Listen. You have also formed the reality of your children and it is a good reality. Listen. You have also helped many others. Many you are unaware of having helped. You also help the members of this class without knowing, but your love for the animal was becoming ingrown. Now, the animal went on as a youngster leaves the house and grows up. You aided in the evolution of its consciousness, then allow it its freedom. You will meet its consciousness again in another form.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(To Rachel after break:) Now, your husband had a horror of old age. Now, give us a moment—he much preferred leaving his body when he did. He was particularly frightened at the idea of living to an old age. He feared mental disability in old age. He wanted to be free of the body before that time was reached. Now in the two lives immediately previous he stayed with the body at one time until he was 87 and at another to the age of 92 and at a time when such age was quite unusual. He determined that in this life he would leave at the height of his powers and so he did. This was not pre-determined. It was a decision that he made.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]