1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 22 1970" AND stemmed:form)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
When you think in terms, for example, of remarriage or when your children urge it upon you, then you think in terms of yourself. You do not think in terms of those who need love and affection and who are more lonely than yourself, lacking children, and who are looking for not only affection but the simple courtesy that another individual can show by recognizing their existence. You were not able to translate or transform that love outward. At the same time you extended the consciousness of the animal, it became more than it was. Its consciousness was ready to leave and adapt another form.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
([Rachel:]“In other words, I am forming this myself.”)
Listen. You have also formed the reality of your children and it is a good reality. Listen. You have also helped many others. Many you are unaware of having helped. You also help the members of this class without knowing, but your love for the animal was becoming ingrown. Now, the animal went on as a youngster leaves the house and grows up. You aided in the evolution of its consciousness, then allow it its freedom. You will meet its consciousness again in another form.
You knew, and I am not implying, I am not implying guilt. You knew what was going to happen when you let the animal out at that corner. The animal felt no pain. It left its body immediately. You aided in the development of its consciousness and it helped you by renewing your love; but as the animal changed its form so also now this reawakened love must look outward.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
([Florence:] “How can mountains be formed?”)
Time perception is your own, including the instruments that test the age of the rock. You form your realm of reality and the time system within it.
([Florence: ]“I don’t understand how rocks are formed.”)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]