1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session octob 6 1970" AND stemmed:time)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 15/55 (27%) ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

This was a warning given by the personality himself. He frightened himself into returning to his body for he had been away from it too long. He was dilly-dallying where he did not belong, and he was getting into realities that did not concern him. He was like a truant so he caused the hallucination so that he would return to his body. Now the nature of the hallucination was his own doing. He used his own fears to cause the hallucination. He was not discriminate. He was not using his common sense. He knew it was time to return to the body, and he decided to stay out of it despite the nature of inclination to return, and so he made a nightmare for himself to frighten himself home like the errant boy that he was. And in almost all cases this is what occurs.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, as Ruburt mentioned earlier, we have some strong elements present. You can, indeed, be involved in some group out-of-body endeavors. Now all of you can be involved to some degree or another but you must want to be involved. You must desire the experience or you will not have it. It does no good to tell yourselves that you will leave your body fifty times before you sleep, if in the back of your skull you are thinking, I am terrified. The inner self will put up a caution light. You are not ready.

Creativity cannot exist in the midst of fears that are prohibitive. Fears are restrictive and they hold you back. On the other hand, if you allow yourselves freedom, if you give your inner selves freedom, then, indeed, you can leave your bodies happily, safely and easily. Some of you are ready, and this has nothing to do with the amount of time you have spent in class. It has to do with your sense of inner freedom.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(During break a discussion of the reality of time and how one could try to explain it to someone else.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now this is why you cannot explain to our Lady of Florence the nature of time, because she has closed off her feeling in this particular line. Now you cannot verbalize what I am or what happens in this room, but then, you cannot verbalize what you are or what happens within yourself or within your mind. And there are journeys that each of you embark upon, and you do not know in words the nature of the destination, and you do not know when you arrive at this destination, and you do not know when the destination is no longer a destination but a way.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now what I tell you, to some extent, must be distorted because when I speak I use words, but the inner self interprets the words that are spoken. You do not need the words. You do not need me to sit here and speak to you but physically you think that you do and so I am here. Physically you believe that you are here and so you are here but other portions of your identity are in other places and other times, and I use those terms very loosely. They are only to make you happy because the words, times and places, have a meaning to you but in your basic reality you do not know times nor places.

You create times and places. They are tools by which you learn to know yourselves. They are methods that you use as a part of all consciousness to form new experiences and new developments. You all dwell in dimensions that know no place and no time, and so Ruburt is correct for when you ask me of places and times I answer you in terms of places and times, and when you know enough to ask me questions that do not have to do with places and times then you will understand more of your own identity, the nature of your existence and the abilities that are inherent within you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I will let you all take a break. I do not want to crack up your realities, they are too dear to you. You are like children before a Christmas party. There are many packages, and delightful ones for you still to open. Take your time with each one.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You can experience this for yourself. When you do psychological time exercises, for in say, five moments, you can have experiences that completely escape your time-space continuum.

Now in dreams you open [sic], though not always, also escape and time is meaningless to you. In a dream you may experience say, an episode in which you are involved with adventures that last for years, and when you wake up you have not aged for (4?) years. During the dream state you can travel to the ends of the universe as you know it. Now your astronauts cannot do this as yet in your time schedule and yet you can do it and when you return, no time has passed in physical terms.

The inner self does not know the meaning of time. It is manufactured in the same way that you manufacture plastics. It is the furniture of your universe. You have manufactured it yourself to make living more comfortable. You become lost in the cushions, the cushions of the minutes and the hours. The physical reign and the intellect are focused toward physical reality. They will always think to interpret experience in terms of place, space and time. The inner self knows far better, and the inner self goes its way acting as if time did not exist because it does not exist. These are simply rules that you have adapted, the rules of the game that you have set up in this planet. They only have application in those limited terms.

Your best indication in the manufacture of time can be your emotions. A vivid emotional experience can be more present than an event that happened ten minutes ago, in your terms, that was not vivid nor important. Emotional intensity can defy your ideas of time and place. Now, when you get a copy of the session underline this sentence. Do not think about it but feel about it.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(After break, Seth:) Now, the time has come for some of you, and I have said this before, to go beyond kindergarten class so that we can sneak in a third-grade lesson now and then and that is what we have been doing. What our friend, the Dean (Theodore) here said, does indeed apply and also I acted as a translator. Such messages will be given in slightly different terms. They will often be devoid of the comfortable images that you all know. They are, therefore, less distorted. You like the word warm-blooded, but where do you think your emotional abilities come from. They come from realities that you, as yet, cannot understand and you would not comprehend them and so they must be translated.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now the time has come for you to outgrow parables, but this will take considerable stretching of consciousness on your part, and considerable work on our part. I am a mediator as well as teacher. I stand between what you are and what they are, in your terms, and that last phrase is a loaded one. Whenever I say “in your terms” the phrase is a loaded one, so be prepared and remember it when you read our sessions.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Now there is something you should do, not now, but shortly, and I will tell you what it is when the time comes. And now even my PS is finished.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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