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ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 13/55 (24%) ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Good evening to you all and welcome to our new friends.

This was a warning given by the personality himself. He frightened himself into returning to his body for he had been away from it too long. He was dilly-dallying where he did not belong, and he was getting into realities that did not concern him. He was like a truant so he caused the hallucination so that he would return to his body. Now the nature of the hallucination was his own doing. He used his own fears to cause the hallucination. He was not discriminate. He was not using his common sense. He knew it was time to return to the body, and he decided to stay out of it despite the nature of inclination to return, and so he made a nightmare for himself to frighten himself home like the errant boy that he was. And in almost all cases this is what occurs.

Now bodies are not at such a high premium. They are not as valuable as you may suppose. There are simply not that many personalities anxious for physical existence. You put a very high premium upon your physical life. In many cases, however, those who have left it are glad to leave it behind. They are not all that anxious to get back in.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, as Ruburt mentioned earlier, we have some strong elements present. You can, indeed, be involved in some group out-of-body endeavors. Now all of you can be involved to some degree or another but you must want to be involved. You must desire the experience or you will not have it. It does no good to tell yourselves that you will leave your body fifty times before you sleep, if in the back of your skull you are thinking, I am terrified. The inner self will put up a caution light. You are not ready.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

You create times and places. They are tools by which you learn to know yourselves. They are methods that you use as a part of all consciousness to form new experiences and new developments. You all dwell in dimensions that know no place and no time, and so Ruburt is correct for when you ask me of places and times I answer you in terms of places and times, and when you know enough to ask me questions that do not have to do with places and times then you will understand more of your own identity, the nature of your existence and the abilities that are inherent within you.

Each of you now as you sit before the image that you call Jane Butts or Ruburt, each of you now are, indeed, as ghostly as you may think that I am for you form your own physical image about you and you pretend it is your real self. You are, in other words, apparitions and in a gigantic mass hallucination you all agree upon the people that you see, and you all pretend that you are the selves that you see but you are far more than this.

Now, I will let you all take a break. I do not want to crack up your realities, they are too dear to you. You are like children before a Christmas party. There are many packages, and delightful ones for you still to open. Take your time with each one.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(After break, Seth:) Now, the time has come for some of you, and I have said this before, to go beyond kindergarten class so that we can sneak in a third-grade lesson now and then and that is what we have been doing. What our friend, the Dean (Theodore) here said, does indeed apply and also I acted as a translator. Such messages will be given in slightly different terms. They will often be devoid of the comfortable images that you all know. They are, therefore, less distorted. You like the word warm-blooded, but where do you think your emotional abilities come from. They come from realities that you, as yet, cannot understand and you would not comprehend them and so they must be translated.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now also realize that all consciousness is individual and sacred and that none of this is meant to deny the integrity of any individual consciousness. Do not therefore feel negated or alone for you are anything but alone.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will let you take a break or if you are all tired, I will let you retire.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

There is a point I want to make, however. Now in my book, my own book, there are two chapters in particular. One is called “Death Conditions in Life”’ and in it I make several points that will somewhat answer your questions. First of all, when you sleep, in your terms, you are as dead as you will ever be. You are operating in out-of-body conditions. You are experiencing other dimensions of reality. You are quite as busy as you are in your daily life but because you do not remember in the morning, it seems to you that you are largely unconscious. In this state, therefore, you are learning. You have every opportunity to study, to look upon your past lives, in your terms, and benefit from them.

All of our regular students attend classes, whether you know it or not. I get you here once a week, as a rule, but I also get you in other dimensions of reality. You all have tasks to perform. Some of you do help persons who have immediately left this system to acclimate to the new conditions. You are smarter when you are asleep than when you are awake. You are learning as much then, therefore, as you do between lives. That is a point that I wanted to make. In your waking existence you are simply focused upon physical reality. When the body sleeps you are no longer focused within it, instead you embark upon other adventures and, in your terms, you advance your own education.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now my hearty regards and best wishes to you all and do not worry.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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