
1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 24 1970" AND stemmed:our)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 12/66 (18%) crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 Tuesday

(To Brad.) I have a few remarks to our friend with the sideburns over there, and the changed image in the orange shirt, and it is this. You have been doing very well and you have, indeed, learned and put into application some of the things that were told to you in class. I wanted to let you know that I knew that you were here and to give you my greetings.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, in the winter time our poor idiotic flower seems, indeed, to be dead. The seed goes into the earth, however, and in the wintertime in any of your suburban gardens here beneath the snow are all these seeds. They are being nurtured, but do they in this darkness, therefore, look about them and say, “This is a time of death? There is nothing else for me and my existence is meaningless? How is it that I remember a time in which I blossomed? How is it I vaguely remember a summer in a time in which I was strong and spontaneous and free? What has happened to the summertime, and will it never come again for me?” That is what you are doing now. Our seed, however, who does not have this fine intellect that sits so nicely beneath your hair and within your skull, our seed without the intellect, rests joyfully within the earth knowing it is in the midst of creativity and that from within it, again, another flower will spring. And it does not deny the earth that gives it birth. It knows within itself, and it is this knowledge that you can find again. It is within you now.

Now, the seed cannot yell out to a scientist who happens to pass and say, “Hey, look at me, I exist. Take me home to your laboratory for within me is the kernel of life.” For the scientist, if he would heed the call and if he would take a spade and dig in the middle of February perhaps down into the earth to find our seed, would find simply a shell. He would not find the reality of the seed. And though you speak and exist and have your being, the emotions that you feel, that make you you, cannot be packaged in a laboratory, cannot be proven by any scientist, you exist. He can only weigh the body and the elements that compose you. He can tell you how much your brain weighs. He cannot tell you what you are feeling or thinking or touch the reality of your subjective experience and herein lies your reality and your proof and your existence and your feeling.

Now, I will let you all take a break. I give my greetings to our two guests here. I do not consider you two (Mack and Garrett) guests, you see. You have been on your own journeys.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(To Sue.) For this one, you did not remember our encounter. You also had another experience two nights ago dealing with probabilities that you did not remember.

(To Brad.) Our orange shirt over there, you have progressed more than you realize that you have, and being away from class during this time has done you good. You stood on your own two feet, and yet you remembered what was told to you and put it into operation and used it in your own way.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Arnold.) Now, to our friend here, you are worried about being aggressive in your psy-time. You can allow yourself aggression in your psy-time. You can trust yourself to go forward actively. You must be receptive and yet alert and it is that point of alertness that you sometimes lose.

(To Natalie.) To our friend in the corner, if you are receptive, you will know who the personality is who has been speaking to you, and he is a good friend of mine.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I am shortly going to end our session, but I have a word for our dean(Theodore), over there behind the vine. I answered one of your questions in our ordinary sessions, so Ruburt should have it for you.

(To Kyle.) Now, our friend here is pleased with his new joy and I am glad for him. Trust it and follow it. Your brother, you see, must follow his own way and into the paths it will lead him, and it will be a different way than your way. So in your joy, allow him that privilege. Do not expect his road to be your own, therefore.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(To Laurie.) To our friend behind me, let me say that your friend has gone and left with a sense of release.

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

Now, I remember clearly each ego that was my own. I have a long memory. But in the dream state each of you are acquainted with the other selves that you have known. You simply forget when you awaken in the morning. This sort of experience is direct cognition. I cannot tell you what it is. I can only hint to you that certain experiences can be expected. And when you receive them, then you know for yourself and you have your own proof, as our friend in the corner has her own proof.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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