1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 17 1970" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
In nature there are no accidents. If you do not take Ruburt’s word then at least listen to mine. You need not take mine but listen to it, and there are no accidents. Now, if you accept, my dear Lady of Florence, the possibility of the slightest, smallest, most insignificant accident then, indeed, you open Pandora’s box. For logically there cannot be simply one small accident, but a universe in which accidents are not the exception but the rule. A universe in which, therefore, following logically, your consciousness is a combination of an accidental conglomeration of atoms and molecules without reason or cause that will vanish into nonexistence forever even as, indeed, they would have come from nonexistence.
[... 38 paragraphs ...]
You have a wiser, more creative spirit, but you will be able to translate what you get into technical terms which few can do comparatively speaking. Set for yourself whatever theoretical questions you imagine as to the nature of the universe. And in the dream state and in psy-time the answers will be given to you. Choose, therefore, subjects that are close to your own inclinations.
[... 46 paragraphs ...]
It is largely cultural in your particular environment. Now, in some native cultures this is not true, but you are learning to encourage spontaneity, and yet within certain areas there must be a concentration of abilities in the physical line and in this extent you are a teacher and you are learning as you teach them. You also experience their own frustrations, and this makes you angry. When you were a child you could be angry at the parent. When you are a parent you can feel the child’s anger but you do not know what to do. When you are a child you can blame the parent. When you are a parent there is no one to blame. Therefore, you are forced to ask about the nature of reality. You are angry because you do not understand, as yet, the nature of reality and you have no answers but you can learn the proper questions. You can learn to experience again that spontaneity and to encourage it.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]