
1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 17 1970" AND stemmed:all)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 13/95 (14%) Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Once you accept, you see, that idea then you must, if you follow your thought completely through, accept the idea of a random accidental universe in which you are at the mercy of any accident; in which mind or purpose have little meaning; in which you are at the mercy of all random happenings; in which 300,000 human beings can be swept off the face of the planet without reason, without cause, simply at the whim of an accidental happening. And if that is the universe in which you believe that you live then it is a dire and forbidding universe, indeed. In that universe the individual has little hope for he will return to the nonexistence that his random physical creation came from. Following that line of thought, then accidentally, if you follow this through, a group of atoms and molecules were sparked into consciousness and song and then will return to the chaos from which they came. And the individual has no control over his destiny for it can be swept aside at any point by random fate over which he has no recourse.

Now, once again, while our Lady of Florence voices her doubts and fears, these are also doubts and fears that have lurked in the back of your own minds so bring them out into the open. All of this can be related to ordinary, daily life.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Ned.) Now, I have a word over here to our friend and it is this. If you would express yourself more often as you did in your paper, either through poetry or prose or painting, you would feel great release. You would also learn things about yourself, and you would recognize the strength of your own individuality and not feel as though you had to go running hunted through the grasses, all kinds of grasses. That is what you need.

Now, I will let you all take an unaccidental break. I have a warning for you—Ruburt is about to let his hair grow. If I hit myself on the head, I would want to know why.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

There is a reason, indeed. It need not always imply guilt, however. The location will be highly significant, indeed, as are all physical difficulties.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

There are some similarities, and that is all I will say this evening because it would take me five hours to explain what I meant by that statement.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Colleen.) Now our friend over here of the cream cheese. You are doing very well. There are some breakthroughs yet that you will work through. That is all right, allow yourself the freedom to do so.

(To Laurie.) Our painting friend. Imagine yourself playing at your painting with the spontaneous feeling a child has. Enjoy it, for it sings. Express yourself spontaneously with it, and let yourself go with it without telling yourself beforehand what you expect of it. The same applies to your psy-time exercises. Enjoy them for what they are. Do not set up limitations, and to all of you the same applies. Your psy-time should not be simply for the purpose of getting outside of your body or having an out-of-body experience. Whatever happens, accept it and go along with it. It is no accident.

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

It was a combination of several things. Now, give Ruburt back his wine, and I will tell you. First of all, there were some elements of fear combined with fear having to do with underlying fears that you are having difficulty—in the physical universe, and you acted this out with the hand. This also had to do something with the leg and the foot difficulties earlier, both being limbs and objects of manipulation in physical reality. Now, the hand also represents freedom. The incident represents two opposites. One of freedom as the hand, as a hand being able to rise. And the other, lack of freedom, as for example, the hand not being able to move. You were objectifying, in your mind, two opposites and attempting to correlate them. Do you follow me?

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(To Rachel) Now, in your own description of your experience you came close to making the connections of which I spoke, for the impression of the hand frightened you, that it was so old and decrepit and, subconsciously you connected it, at that time, with your foot when it was bad. You thought immediately in terms of the hand being old and dead. If you had not, the hand would have written. You were frightened for your own physical hand and, therefore, you stopped the flow of information that could have come. It was a subconscious connection on your part. You allowed yourself the freedom to begin with but then you interpreted the appearance of your hand as the hand of a very old woman and became frightened. Now, do you understand a little more? Then, by all means, have some brandy.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(To Ned:) Now this is for you, if you ever doubted it, so if you think you are being persecuted, you are doing the persecution. You are the judge. You are the person who hunts you down the years and the days. When you realize this, no other human being alive will have the power to hurt you or to hunt you. When you realize your own freedom then you are free. I am not as familiar with your terminology as our friend, Ruburt. Is the term nerfs or narcs? All right, you project upon him. He is hunting you because you are hunting yourself.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I want you to realize, above all, the energy that is in each of you; the individual entity and the uniqueness. I want you, therefore, to go your own ways in peace, in spontaneity, in joy and fulfillment.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will say goodnight to you all. I did not want to keep you all up too late, and there are those of you who are anxious to go home. Now, I expect some activity on your parts this evening. On all of your parts, ideally speaking. Our winker included over here.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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