1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 10 1970" AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(To Rose C.) Now this friend would like some information, and she has wanted it for some time. Ruburt knows this also. Ruburt also knows that our friend has wondered often why the information was not given. Now let us take a moment. There were reasons, incidentally, why you were not given the information earlier and the reasons should be apparent to you, if you think about the matter for you have a tendency to brood. You brood about the experiences of this life, and then you want me to give you information about five other lives so you can brood five times as much. Now it matters not what information you are given for unless you change your attitude you will find something there to brood upon. So I will give you a few goodies and hold back some other information until you can tell me that your attitude has changed.
Now, you are here for one particular reason this evening whether you know it or not, and it is because you knew our new friends, the Greek twins (Valerie and Vanessa) and so you came when they attended class. Now you were at one time, in the same area given as for the twins, and give us a moment here. You were then a music teacher, teaching the flute mainly, but in the back of your mind you had a great plan which you were never able to bring to fruition in that particular life. And you dreamed a great dream and the dream had to do with an instrument called the piano, and you wondered how you could bring this instrument about and how it could be made and how it would work. And yet in your mind you heard the music. And when you taught the flute, in the back of your mind always, was the idea of the piano. So you tried to make the flute do things that the flute could never do.
[... 26 paragraphs ...]
(To Rose.) Our friend over here in the corner has healing abilities and you can direct them, mainly toward others, although you are quite capable of using them for your own benefit also when you do not brood.
(To Louise.) Our new friend over here, the cougher, you also have strong healing abilities. You have used them unconsciously but you can use them with more purpose for yourself and others.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I have seen many starers in my day, but I have never seen a starer such as this one, and if there are holes in our poor friend Ruburt’s back, when the session is over then you had better stuff them with cotton, but know where they came from. Now when I choose to stare at you, you will know that you have been stared at. I will have more to say about healing this evening, but I am going to let you take a break so that our friend here can beat her weary way home.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(After break:) Now, pull your chairs up closer and I will tell you a story. Closer. Our brooder too. Now, I am going to drink some of this, though it is not good brandy. It is good wine, but it is not good brandy.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Now, I am glad you liked my children’s tale. I do want to give our friend (Jane) more of a break, however, but let me tell you that in my own book I am not using children’s tales. You have been given children’s tales too often. Now they are lovely and there is meaning in them, and you here should understand the meaning of the tale I gave you. But beneath the stories of the beginning there are other things that you should know, and in my own book I will tell you what they are. And now, you see, I do not interrupt.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(To Valerie and Vanessa.) I will have more to say to our Greeks here as time goes by.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]