1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session novemb 10 1970" AND stemmed:leav)
[... 38 paragraphs ...]
In this very, very distant time, these people who were very gifted, and are still very gifted, these people looked about them. They had a dream. They were, in a strange way, mathematicians and scientists, but in a way that had nothing to do with physical space or physical theories, and they imagined out of their great power, a dimension of reality in which there were trees and fields and physical beings with physical bodies; skies that were blue; water that fell down from the sky. And out of their great creativity and from themselves because, in your terms, in your terms, they were a race of gods. They conceived a dimension of reality in which these things would, indeed, exist and from themselves they sent out portions of their own entity and consciousness. And when I say that they did this, they did it joyfully and with a great exuberance and yet, also, they felt this portion of their own consciousness leave them and escape from them and so, to some extent, they cried to see a portion of themselves forever leave and yet they did this that you might have existence and song.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
I enjoy talking with you, and I have spoken to you in the dream state, and you did not remember, but I am used to that. I will shortly leave so that you can all go home but I have not said good evening yet.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]