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ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 16/65 (25%) flute Louise music tale wink
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 Tuesday

Now I bid you all good evening, and I bid a particular good evening to an old friend who has not been here in some time.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You visited one place that was also a scene from a past experience. This from a life in England before the German experience, and this a long life in which you were a woman and unmarried. You were cultured for the times but without way, and made a living writing letters for other people. You had a fondness for music but all your life you copied the notes and letters of others. You learned discipline, for to a large extent you did not allow yourself to express your own creativity but put yourself at the service of the communication of others. You did not allow yourself, even, to communicate through music.

(To Louise.) Now, if you want to cough have a good one and do not feel embarrassed. There is nothing worse than trying to cough and trying not to at the same time. Now, I will let you all take a break and you may cough to your heart’s content. I did not mean to give the suggestion if you do not have to cough.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You are all portions of your own higher identity, your own multidimensional selves. Now these selves know how to heal, and in the dream state they will indeed do so if you allow them to. You carry many of your misconceptions into certain areas of your dream reality and even there you close many doors.

Each of you automatically heal yourselves day by day, as you know. Cells die and are born. You renew your bodies every seven years, all without your conscious knowledge. You use the energy of the universe to heal yourselves constantly, but you have very definite conceptions of how this healing can take place and what is possible and what is not possible. You expect the cells of your body to be replaced. You expect your image to continue day by day, although the physical matter of your image today has not one atom or molecule within it that was a portion of your image ten years ago. The bodies that you had ten years ago are dead and gone, and you never missed them, and you do not feel dead.

You feel very alive, indeed. These things you take for granted but you form your own image, and you form them in consistent belief with those ideas that you have. And if you believe that you have a bad gall bladder, for example, and if you do not discover the reasons behind the difficulty you will faithfully reproduce that faulty gall bladder with every new formation of your physical image. And it does not occur to you that as your body is completely transformed within each seven years, so there is no reason at all to reproduce it each time with the old ailment. You can, indeed, heal yourselves but you must realize that you can do so in order to do it yourself effectively.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, to some extent, all of you take advantage of these abilities or you would not have physical bodies to begin with. They simply would not last that long, in your terms. But when you cannot do this for yourself, and when your own misconceptions hold you back from using your own abilities, then there are others who can reawaken your own energies and direct them to your advantage; who can meet you and speak with you when you are in more auspicious states than the one you usually call conscious— When you are at your most creative and alert, in other words, when you are asleep. These others can then speak to you and communicate with you, illuminate you as to the reasons behind your difficulty and help you erase that difficulty.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You can get rid of all the illness when you realize that you have the habit of creating and drawing it to you out of fear. What you fear most you draw to yourself. Instead you must concentrate upon what you want and do not be so worried about where I am, just listen to what I have to say for now. You can learn to concentrate upon what you want and draw that to yourself and you can learn and without too much difficulty, to completely restructure the health habits of your family.

Now there are some past-life reasons for your attitudes and also for the profession in which you find yourself, and we will go into those. But first of all you must understand that you can draw health to yourself and vitality and strength and that you are not at the mercy of any poor crawling germs or little flying monsters that come to attack you or your family, nor are you at the mercy of any fact. Now I tell you this because there is a connection in your mind and illness becomes to you the symbol of something far different and far more profound. It becomes in your mind the symbol of evil which attacks you in your mind in small ways to small illnesses. Now, this you have created for yourself and you can cease creating it. And now go home and feel well.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

And so, in this children’s tale, that is given to you in parable and in symbol, you came to have your being and yet when this universe, as you know it, was then brought into existence, you had to forget momentarily where you came from and you had to be created in flesh so that you could experience, in flesh, this new portion of creativity and so that you could, in your turn, create from that of which you were physically made and so you forgot your heritage, on purpose in a way. And you found yourself upon a physical planet and all the stars blazed on, and you opened your eyes and found infinite possibilities and a virgin physical reality that you could shape to your heart’s desire and in which you could give your creativity full rein. And those from whom you originated watched and when great clouds scurried across your primitive skies in those days those who had originated you came down and you saw them and wondered.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I will have you know I would not do such a thing and my performance right now proves I would never do such a thing as you can all tell.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I enjoy talking with you, and I have spoken to you in the dream state, and you did not remember, but I am used to that. I will shortly leave so that you can all go home but I have not said good evening yet.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Janice.) Now, you are doing very well and making a good start. You are doing very well, indeed, in all the areas in which you have begun to achieve.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And to you, I try to speak to you personally when I can but there is also information that I want to get through all of your heads.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

And I give you all what blessings are mine to give.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

It was not undeserving praise. You simply became too used to it. My heartiest wishes to you all and a fond good evening.

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