1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session may 5 1970" AND (stemmed:"differ atom" OR stemmed:"atom differ"))

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 11/120 (9%) Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Tuesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I have said many of these things in my own way before and will undoubtedly say them again—not only through this physical image. For when this physical image makes the transition to other realities, then I will speak through another form as each of you has spoken through other forms. I remember the forms through which I have spoken and you do not, but look at it this way: The child that you were in this life has a far different form than the person you are now, and yet you spoke through that form.

You have a different form every seven years. The atoms and molecules of your body have completely changed. There is not one small vestige within your physical body at this moment that was within it eight years ago. Your forms are completely new and different, and yet I see that you carry on quite effectively and it does not seem to bother you. Look at your friend over here (Doug). It does not bother him. And so if you change your physical form without knowing it as the years go by, why should it surprise you that at one time you leave the present form that you call your own for another. For if I am speaking through the body of a woman, so have the three men here present spoken through the bodies of women when those bodies were their own, and the women spoke as men.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You redeem and you sanctify, otherwise there is no redemption and no sanctification. All That Is is within you. It is not objectified outside of you. The inner voice is the voice of All That Is and that voice speaks through the tissues of your body and the cells and atoms and molecules that compose your physical image. The inner voice speaks through All That Is. The very atoms and molecules in the air give blessing.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

I can imagine a lovely scene where bodiless individuals, spiritual psychologists and I, sit in a dark room all dressed in gowns at another level of reality, and they ask me what is wrong with me and I say—I am obsessed. I have it in my head that there is a physical reality somewhere where objects have shape and form—where there are things like trees and people and streetcars and a strange thing called progress. And where people believe in things like ghosts and demons all on the same line, seeing little difference between them and I imagine in my most schizoid (Doug—“that’s what I said”) moments that there is a woman called Jane Butts in a strange, funny little town in a completely fantastic place called Elmira, New York. And I have the delusion that I speak through this woman and look out through her eyes at the most fantastic creatures imaginable.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The joy that All That Is rings through every consciousness that lives. It rings through your wineglass. It rings through the atoms and molecules of the table. Why then do you think it does not ring through your own body? And through the inner selves that you try so hard to hide?

It would be easy for me to give you a set of rules. Some of you would be only too glad to follow them for you would not have to face your own responsibility and your own responsibility is to look within and to use your own abilities. For you, each of you, will develop in your own way through endless eons in your terms. You think that an atom is beneath you or a flower. You have 500 times as far to go. You will develop in ways you cannot now understand and you develop as you unfold, as you use your abilities. You will find your own road. You will even make your own truths. For you are expected to make new ones. Truths are not trees that you discover in the forest. They spring up ever new. All That Is is not static or it would be dead; it is ever changing as you are.

[... 57 paragraphs ...]

The atoms and molecules within your bodies and the consciousness within them have dwelt as flowers in the field. The actual atoms and molecules that are within your arm at this moment have been within the cows that you have eaten and the flowers upon which you now walk. The air that you now breathe in this moment has come from cosmic dust down through the universe to this room. You are not alone. You will learn the sacredness of consciousness. You will learn to be responsible for life. You will learn to protect and cherish life as you know it and the plant life as you know it.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

We do not use such words as condone. The problem is an individual one. If you believe that abortion is evil and have one—it will be an evil. It is not basically evil, but that makes little difference to you if you believe that it is.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

You could have seen him with your physical eyes at that time. Now you could not for he is resting and he deserves it—but it was your fear that prevented your receiving the proof of the immortality of his personality. There was nothing to fear. He was trying to tell you that he was free and to do it by a characteristic gesture that you would understand. Instead, you see, you gave in to those superstitions regarding the dead and you were afraid to look. Fear—because fear sets up barriers. Now life and vitality are joyful and it makes no difference whether or not you have a body. Your existence is not dependent upon a body and your father tried to tell you this.

([Gert:} “You say he is resting, yet at different times I’ve had the feeling in the house that he might try to make the same contact.”)

To him he is resting but in his dreams, for he dreams as you do, he attempts to reach you, and only your fear prevents you from realizing his presence more fully. Any person who is in another dimension is saddened when they realize that you think that because they are dead they are frightening, and they do not understand—for always before you have treated them in an entirely different manner and now you find them something to fear.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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