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ECS2 ESP Class Session, March 17, 1970 16/101 (16%) Brad Theodore God Margo learn
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 17, 1970 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It was not particularly good advice. Your friend (Dr. Holloway) did not mention the most important point of all. He did not ask you to question yourself. He did not ask you to look into yourself, and to discover those reasons why you had put up with that situation for so many years. He did not ask you to discover what needs within you were being satisfied in your marriage, anymore, my dear friend, than you asked yourself why you brought the tape to class this evening.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

You must first of all realize that within you there is somewhere the miraculous knowledge that keeps your body alive and operating. This portion of yourself, despite all your problems, keeps you alive as a physical organism. Its knowledge is beyond the wisdom of any man or woman alive! If that portion of yourself can make all the scientific and biological deductions necessary to maintain your physical organism, then indeed it has the abilities to solve these other problems. When you fully realize this, and you can if you remind yourself of it often enough, you can draw upon this knowledge to solve your problems. If you accept answers from others, you will simply run into the same problem again and again, and you will have solved nothing.

Now, I have said this before: On the physical level, your problem is to find a position. You have done very well lately in meeting your appointments, and this is definitely an advance. On the psychological level, you need to know why the relationship between you and your wife continued as it was for so many years. Most of all you need to know yourself as an individual, with your good points and your failings. But, as long as you continually look to others for advice, you deny your own abilities.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Now as I look upon you all in spirit, I will let you take a break. The trouble is however that you do not often enough look at yourselves in spirit.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

You are endowing her with what you imagine to be highly efficient masculine qualities. You are endowing yourself with what you imagine to be feminine qualities. Now the human being is a gestalt of perception. There are no qualities as such that are masculine or feminine. You are knocking down those abilities that are your own because you conceive of them as feminine. And in your mind you are setting Margo up as highly efficient because she has those abilities that you think should be your own because you think that they are masculine qualities. So you are allowing yourself to behave in what you imagine to be a subservient, feminine behavior. Now this is all a result of your own attitude, and she has reacted to that attitude, and reinforced it, because she wants to be dominant. One portion of her wants to be dominant; the other portion looks to you as a man, and there you fail her, because you refuse to assert the independence that is your nature. It seems to contradict your artistic nature and there is no contradiction. The contradiction only exists in your mind. She looks to you for direction and you do not give it, and therefore—if all within this room will excuse me—she turns into a bitch.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I do not appreciate being called a horse and I will not “neigh” for you now. You are asking such deep and ponderous questions and you all want answers within a split instant.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

The answers come to you when you play at being yourself. Play that game now and then. Play at being yourself; you will be surprised at what you discover. And you, my dear Lady of Florence, will be the most surprised of all.

I am not saying good evening, I am letting you take a break. You (to Florence) will be the most surprised of all and pleasantly so.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Within you is the elemental and vital consciousness that gives birth to all realities. You can feel this within you when you turn your backs upon the roles that you presently play. Then you can learn the meaning of those roles, for there is meaning in them. And there is no reason why it must escape you.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Reality and consciousness are in the state, always, of becoming. God himself, in your terms, is in a state of becoming. A state of completion would be an end, and the end of all realities. Therefore, at no particular point is your entity, your inner self, done and completed.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You are already a part of All That Is, and you cannot disentangle yourself from that reality. There is no nirvana if you mean by nirvana a state in which your individuality is lost and gobbled in a great fish of a god that consumes you as the whale consumed Jonah.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. You carry the burden and the responsibility of that individuality—the burden and the responsibility. And within you, you see, is a portion of All That Is that can express itself uniquely only through those capabilities and potentialities that are yours. And if you deny them, then you deny God his voice to that degree. You deny a potentiality that you and no one else can fulfill. And this does not only apply to the individuality as you know it in this life, but to the energy that is yours that can never be withdrawn in whatever form you find yourself. The memories that are yours now are electromagnetically a part of you; and when your physical form is gone, this remains and you build upon it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I will wish you all a fond good evening. It is not my intention to keep you up all night. Far be it from me to make a banker groggy at his job or a teacher groggy with her students—or grumpy.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

And I still enjoy childlike games. I do not skip a rope or dance through the hula but I amuse myself with thoughts and games that you have long forgotten. And in the ancient nature of my mind, there is still the childlike early wonder about the nature of reality. And if you all wonder who you are and the nature of your reality, then I still astound and surprise myself with my own wonderings for there is much that I do not know.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now in bidding you all good evening, again I encourage you to find within yourself the source of your own energy and consciousness and strength and to let it sing within you as a vitality of your being. And do not cower and do not cry, but sing in pure joy that your consciousness knows itself and that even in your ignorance you create and give joy to others. And know that there is no end to your consciousness or to the reality of which you are a part.

I bid you all a fond good evening. And if I close now, it is only out of the goodness of my heart because my friend Ruburt is worried about the neighbors.

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