1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session june 30 1970" AND stemmed:"chang realiti")

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 30, 1970 8/39 (21%) guilt Derek guilty props penance
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, June 30, 1970 Tuesday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now, each of you in this room is a completely separate, unique individual. You each have a hand in the creation of reality as it is known. You have an effect upon those that you know and love, beyond what is usually supposed. As I have said often, there are no limitations, even to the self that you know, except those that you yourselves impose. Therefore you are meant to use your abilities and to develop them, and when I speak of abilities I do not necessarily mean psychic abilities alone. Your spontaneity is your life. It is up to you to expand the nature of your own consciousness so that you understand me. Guilt will not help you; it is only a hindrance. It inhibits, it does not encourage.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are going to have a lot to do. Now, you have a lot to do now, but consciously you are not aware of what you do, and little by little you must learn to accept greater and greater portions of your own reality in this life and future lives. In your terms, the quicker you learn the better, this despite the fact that time does not exist.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is indeed, and it is important that you experience, that you open yourselves up to experiences that you may perhaps have believed impossible in the past, for there are no barriers, only those you impose. When you realize, deeply realize, that other realities exist, you can begin to perceive your own part in them. As long as you do not realize they exist you will rationalize away the greatest indication of them that you may perceive. Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Do not forget, when I speak to you I am not speaking symbolically. These are not fine philosophies to be listened to and ignored, nor fancy words again to be enjoyed and then forgotten. You do quite literally form your own reality and there is no symbolism in that statement. If you do not like the reality that you are forming then you can change it, and honesty is extremely important in this regard.

(To Natalie.) Now, when I am looking at someone in particular, you do know that I am looking at you and you know to what I am referring. You must first recognize the fact honestly, that there are certain portions of your reality that you do not like. Do not pretend, be honest, and then you can change the reality. And you should be coming here to learn more about yourself. In learning what you are you will discover what reality is, and again what the nature of God is. You can use whatever term you prefer.

(To Gert.) Now, you must honor yourself and do yourself justice. Until you can honor and love yourselves you cannot honor nor love anything else or anyone else, and as long as you see yourselves as guilty, then you will see guilt in every other person you look at, and you will see evil in the nature of reality. The answers, you see, are within yourselves. It is only when you do not realize they are there that you have such difficulties. You have only to let go.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, to get out of your body, you must first get out of your mind. You must let your concepts go and experience the nature of your own reality. Without words or symbols you must learn to look through the props. You can still use them as props, but you will know that more exists.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, since in the dream state you are able, quite easily, to perceive the future, why do you find it such a frightening thing to do when you are awake? Because someone else will say this is not real? Because their idea of reality is limited, why should you limit yours? Because another man is blind you do not close your eyes so that you can agree. That is what you are doing when you limit your own idea of reality.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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