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ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 15/21 (71%) couch transpose solid organization assumptions
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 Tuesday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] All That Is—is now. And you are a part of All That Is now. And as I have told you often, you are a spirit now. The avenues for development are open now. You can, now, set upon exploring environments that are not physical if you want to, but I do not see any rush of students at that invisible door! [...]


[...] Now as you know, you do not perceive the atoms and molecules that swim about the room nor the atoms and molecules that fill this space between our friends, nor the forces—the field forces—that exist. [...] Now, without your particular physical perfection you would not perceive the couch as solid. And consciousness that has different perceptive mechanisms than your own is unaware of our now famous blue couch. [...]


Now, you each generally agree, I am sure, that you sit upon a couch. [...] Now, it is true that within your physical system—for I know this will come next from our friend Florence—you can measure your couch. [...]


Now, you use atoms and molecules in a strange way. [...] Now, I am not blaming you. [...]


Now, a portion of your entire identity has memory of both. [...] You simply do not realize what you are now, and as I’ve said before, when you ask me questions about life after death, you automatically transpose, if you will all forgive me, this lack of knowledge into the next realm and therefore, sometimes I am at a loss to answer your questions. [...]


Now I am going to close our session, but I would like you all to read carefully a copy of what I have said, and now and then, where you have nothing else—nothing better to do—then try, try to sense that lapse in the pulsation of your consciousness. [...]


Now, if you want organization then you shall have it—at any time. [...]


[...] I look now between the two of you (looking at the couch where Natalie S. and Arnold were sitting). [...]


[...] Now, the fact is that your consciousness is not imprisoned within your body. [...]


[...] Now I will let you take a break. [...]

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