1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session juli 21 1970" AND stemmed:seri)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 1/56 (2%) negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 Tuesday

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

(To Sue.) You and this friend of yours over here, I am going to take the two of you together in the dream state and take you on some journeys that will make your head spin and your hearts sing, and I want Ruburt to see these written down, too. We start this evening. There will be a series of three episodes.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

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