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ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 12/56 (21%) negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

As I have told you often, your body reacts to your thoughts. Now, it does no good to take ten minutes a day and give yourself good suggestions and say, “I am brave, I am strong, I am healthy and young and rich” and spend the rest of the time saying to yourself, “I am poor, I am getting old, I feel sore, or it is a cruddy world.” Therefore, often you allow these thoughts to take all of your conscious attention.

You are hypnotizing yourself. You would not think of going to a hypnotist and having him tell you that you are getting sicker by the moment or the world was getting cruddier by the moment or that your arm or foot or head or toe or ear would hurt more and more with each breath that you took. You would have the man up to be hung and think such an affair an evil thing indeed, and yet you do this to yourselves often and then you say with all blind innocence, why does this come about, why am I sick or why am I sore or why am I caught in this cruddy universe and yet you do not change your own thought. You use suggestion in the same way that you read a paragraph from a book that you think you should read perhaps for five minutes, but then you allow your (words lost)to take over completely and it seems to you that you have no control.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

As you all know, and this is not new, your pitiful body changes with each thought that you have and with each emotion. If you luxuriate in self-pity and feelings of chaos then you have yourselves to blame. There is no other place where you can lay the blame and it is up to you, to each of you individually, to watch the nature of your thoughts for with your thoughts you created the body that you have, the individual realities that you know. You create your little toe and your elbow and the pupil of your eye and your legs. When you allow your thoughts to run riot then your life runs riot. Now, there is no contradiction here with what I have said about spontaneity. When you have allowed negative habits, however, to take over, then somewhere you must draw the line for the negative habits knock away the discipline. The negative habits knock away even spontaneity for all thoughts of good will and health and vitality disappear beneath these thoughts that you are handing yourself every day like poison upon the spoon, whether the spoon be wooden or tarnished or silver. Now, this applies to everyone in the room to some extent or another, for there is no one that cannot stand improvement and this includes our friend Ruburt, but you do not understand yourselves or know yourselves. If you do not know your own thoughts, and if you cannot change them when you want to, you are not at the mercy of your thoughts.

Now, after my cheerful little message, I will let you all take a break. I want to make sure that you are all healthy and strong and that your eyes are good so that you can read The Seth Material.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

A negative thought alone would be followed by a more positive one. Remember what you were saying earlier about cycles. Thought patterns and emotional patterns, left alone, would change one into the other as stormy weather changes into sunny. It is only when strong negative patterns are allowed to flow unrestrained and indulged in so that they become a barrier holding back positive thoughts that you run into difficulty. You get into a habit and you do not realize that you have done so, where predominately your thoughts about yourselves and others are all negative with very few positive ones in between and then the positive ones have no chance to grow. This is where the difficulty comes in. I am not telling you to be so frightened of a negative thought that you want to run into a corner or hide under the bed or say “Oh, this is a negative thought, I must change it at once” and half-terrify yourselves to death. I am telling you that when you indulge in such thoughts for a period of time so that they become habitual then you must change them and no one can do this but yourself. There is no one else that has control over your own thought patterns and you would be very upset, indeed, if anyone else did.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(To Sue:) Do you have a question, our lady on the blue couch with the brown pigtails? I will let you all take a break, but I want you to realize that these techniques are to be used. This is not theory to be listened to or read and forgotten. It is to be put into practice or it is of no use. Knowledge that is not applied to people is not knowledge.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I have told you this in my own way many times. Now, the trouble with you is you did not bring me my brandy. You may all take a break.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

When you love life very deeply then it is very easy to despair, and when you compare ideal human relations to the relations that exist in the world as it is, it is very easy to despair; but if you give in to despair then you cannot see the beauty that does exist for the despair will eat it through like lye; and so hold on to the beauty and guard it and the vitality of your thoughts and emotions and your natural vitality as you would your life, for it is your life. Peace—now you may all take a break.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(After break. To Florence.) And I will look in on you about Virginia Beach time. If you were expressing yourself fully on certain issues you would not have a cold, and if you were using all of the insights that you should have gathered in class, you would not have a cold. If you were allowing full expression of your inner ideas outward along certain lines having to do with your oldest son, you would not have a cold. It is easier, however, to use honey and vinegar; but using honey and vinegar you simply get rid of the cold and do not find out why you have it. You do not learn something about yourself that you should know and so when the cough is gone, when the issue comes up again, you get a different ailment and so you find a different remedy. Honey and vinegar are cheap; self-knowledge is dear but far more valuable. Such inner remedies and such real remedies do not come in packages and you cannot pick them up at the supermarket, and they are not herbs to be eaten for breakfast though these will serve as an in-between measure and there is nothing wrong with in-between measures. But if you want to get at the real knowledge of yourself and at the real reason for symptoms, then there are ways of doing so and I have given them to you. They are not meant to be bitter as vinegar.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now, I bid you all a fond good evening and I wish you a happy vacation from classes, but I will make up for lost time and I would like to see a smile on your kisser for a change. The soul that does not smile is a dreary thing indeed.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

([Brad:] “I have followed what you have said to a great extent, but right now I am letting my emotions rule me to a great extent because all the logic in the world hasn’t done me a bit of good. I want Margo back.”)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Now, after my cheerful messages for tonight, I bid you all a fond good evening.

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