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ECS2 ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 13/30 (43%) garden plants joy flower Florence
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now this is indeed a loving endeavor! You are not left alone or abandoned... but the inner truths that turn you on are not to be found in the exterior universe... but within yourself. These meanings are not dificult to find—they are within you, and you can cease blocking them. Now you must give us a moment.

([Seth II:]) You do not understand multidimensional personality structures. This does not mean that they do not exist. It is true that our reality cannot be translated in your emotional terms. Emotions, as you know of them, represent but the smallest glimmerings of our reality. We have always watched... We are the watchers and the protectors... and you have never been alone. We tend you carefully as a gardener tends his beloved plants. We are concerned over your growth and your nourishment. There are developments within your own identities with which you are not presently aware. And yet we have always given you paths to understanding and have ascertained that within you  some answers could be found. You are in a period of development. And we do care in a way that you cannot now understand. The answers to questions you have asked can be found if you will look inward, and they will appear in terms that you can understand. You are indeed learning to be creators... and you are already, in your terms, creators. And by the products of your creations shall you learn to see yourselves and know what you are. And through the mirror of physical reality do you see materialized the inner selves. And through your creations shall you realize your abilities and your responsibilities even as we.

([Seth:]) Now. You are, I hope in the midst of a garden of consciousness... and as a flower blooms, so are you made to bloom. And as a flower is supposed to flower, so are you meant to flower. You cannot see the garden although you are in it. But there are emanations that are invisible to you. These are your thoughts and mental images and they spring out from you, as the petals spring out from a flower, but you can see the petals of a flower and you are not consciously aware of these other images. But these other images result in the world that you know and it is a garden... and there are ugly plants there that you have created. And there are poisonous plants there that you have created. And this is a garden that you have created. And I would be very happy if I were you... that there was someone around to keep order... and to keep an eye on things and to take care of  your spiritual nourishment when you had forgotten what the spirit was.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You are utterly dependent upon the life force—without which you could not lift your finger. We are all utterly dependent upon the life force, without which there would be no individuals, and this you must accept. The plant is not dependent upon you. It is dependent upon the life force. It is you who have placed the plant in the particular circumstances in which it is now. Basically, the plant is not dependent upon you. And if the life force did not fill the plant, no amount of watering would make it grow. And if the consciousness within the leaves did not sing with the vitality of existence, then no amount of chemicals would make it live.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, again, no embarrassment is meant to our Lady of Florence. For she speaks also for the hidden fears within each of you—and she makes vocal thoughts that have been in each of your minds at various times. She brings them to the surface where we can meet them and deal with them.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now. I have some word for you (to Brad):

Your humor can be your salvation if you do not use it meanly. It can be your salvation in many ways. Now. I have told you that the answers to your problem, and to your problems, must come from within yourself. Those answers which are given to you easily are not your own answers. Therefore, they are not answers.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. In many cases, a psychic will telepathically pick up from you desires that you have at any given time. And not understanding the nature of their own abilities, the psychic may then give these back to you as advice. And with the best intentions in the world. This does not mean that it is good advice.

Ruburt has told you what I will say: You must know that you can hold your own in the universe that you know at this time. You must know that you can hold your own in a relationship. To run pell-mell into another relationship will be no answer—for you will not have solved those problems that have caused your present dilemma. Now this is all I will say for now. But again, the answers are there—and they are within yourself—and for your own development, it is you who must seek them from yourself and find them. (I am referring to “another” relationship, but the same applies to your present wife.)

Now. It is hard for me to tell you that you are a merry rose in a happy garden (to Florence. Laughter from the class.) You only see the thorns. It is hard for me to remind you of the seriousness—and yet of the joy of your existence. And that is why I told our friend that his humor could be his salvation. A child discovers many truths in play and so can you—if you allow yourselves the freedom of spontaneous mental and psychic play. Also because of the mechanics involved, I cannot dance like your Tiny Tim, “through the tulips.” (Laughter from the class.) But I do beseech each of you to look within yourselves for that joy that is your own—and to accept it. It is not that the joy is not present, but that you refuse to acknowledge it. Now. I admit that I sound old and ponderous—and yet, I would go tip-toeing through the tulips—and not feel a loss of dignity—nor worry about who saw me.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. I will not keep you, but at the very least—at the very least—you know that I care (to Sally)—and I have been around for some time.

Now. When I speak of joy, I do not mean happiness. I would like some of you to awaken in the middle of the night when the world is quiet, and go to the window and open it.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

And it sings now through each of you as it sings through me, and as it sings through the plants that “belong” to our Lady of Florence.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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