1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session februari 3 1970" AND stemmed:"chang realiti")

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 20/88 (23%) Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Tuesday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now. What I am trying to do is to awaken within each of you knowledge, intuition, abilities that are a portion of your entire personality. Now, once these are awakened, you can use them and they become a part of the physical self that you know. They become real to you. These abilities will help you solve other problems. You are being changed in this class and through your own experiences in that you are learning and you are expanding your idea of reality and of consciousness. Each small advance quickens other advances within you and each knowledge leads to other knowledge. Sometimes you are on a plateau and then you climb from the plateau to new awareness. Sometimes your greatest moments of understanding come to you in the dream state. Then, in the morning, it seems to you that they are fresh and new for you do not recall their origin.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is indeed. What you do not realize is that when you are dreaming, you are writing the script for your physical life—you are solving simple problems, but lifetime problems you are trying out—probable actions. And in your daytime existence, you materialize those realities that you have already settled upon when your body sleeps.

Now. We do not want a cult here. I have seen to it that our friend Ruburt acts in such a way that this will not happen. What we want instead is something entirely different—a place of permissiveness where the inner self can grow and develop; where you can meet your own greater reality.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You form the physical reality that you know! Then form a better one! I am telling you that you can do it! As long as you insist upon the misconceptions, then you will have the kind of experience you have been having. For it follows, as the night follows the day, you form your reality. This also means that you can change it!

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Now. If you realize that you create your physical reality through your own thoughts and desires, then you have learned the most important aspects of reality. This is what you have been setting out to do in your other lives, in your past existences. The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives. When you realize this and act upon it, there is no reason for you to come back here again unless you want to. Any of your difficulties in past lives were caused because you did not realize these basic truths. Your reincarnational pasts can help you if you know of them—only if they make these truths evident to you, only if you learn from them. Otherwise, they exist within you subconsciously and unconsciously in any case.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It would be of value only if you realized that you create your physical reality now. If you knew that you had a karmic tie with your wife and did not realize that you formed your own reality through your own thoughts and desires, then it would serve you not at all. You would still be imprisoned.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It would indeed. And you would think that all you had to do was to solve the problem that had existed in the past... or endure. All you have to do is realize that you are free, that you form reality as you know it... through your most intimate desires and thoughts and fears. You change the exterior circumstances by changing your thoughts and your desires and by forgetting your fears. There is no other way. There has never been another way.

Unless you realize you are free, you cannot use your freedom! Unless you realize that the life force is manifest now in every atom of your being, then you cannot form the physical reality that you want to form. For instead, you form physical pictures that are replicas of your fears.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. It is said that some primitive peoples did not connect the fact of intercourse with the fact of birth. Now I will tell you to begin with that the saying is wrong—they did make the connection. But, in the same way, many of you do not connect the fact of thought and desire with the fact of birth in the physical universe. You do not realize that your thought is literally the parent of the physical reality that you know. You must change your innermost reality if you will change physical reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Theodore:] “Where is the genesis of this changed thought? Is it in Theodore’s brain or back in the entity or whole self?”)

The whole self is involved not only in this reality but in other realities. The whole self sends a portion of itself into various realities. These portions of the whole self are to learn to materialize as best they can the strength and energy as they know it in whatever camouflage they find themselves. The whole self gives you, therefore, a responsibility—and it leaves it mainly up to you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

When an artist paints a painting, you can look at the painting and say, “Ah, the artist was in a certain frame of mind” or: “Look at the dull colors and the dreary landscape” or: “Look at the wild colors and the fantastic forms” or: “See, there is no form and yet there is marvelous vitality.” ...And so are each of you artists and you create the world that you know. And when you look at the world you know you can say, “Look, this is what I have created!” And if you do not like what you see, then there is no point in ripping apart the painting or ripping apart the framework of your life. Instead, you change your pigments. And, in this case, your pigments are your thoughts and your imagination. And then you change your painting.

([Brad:] “Assuming that I wish to be a teacher, can I create that reality by simply desiring it?”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

No. There is a point where you are so imprisoned within yourself that you cannot feel the reality of others. Now, as a teacher, you must be able to sense the reality of others and in teaching relate the self that you are to the selves you sense they are, independently of you and therefore give their integrity full freedom. You can to some extent escape this prison, personally, by attempting several exercises.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(During the break the discussion centered on the last part above. Seth added:) When you do that, you see, when you relate all others to yourself initially, when you are imprisoned within yourself to that degree, then you are also imprisoned by others because you project your own reality into them where it does not belong. Do you follow me?

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Your imagination works in negative ways. Change it, so that you imagine in a constructive fashion. You do not dream along the same ways that you have just spoken. Whenever you imagine something you want, you always do it with the idea that “I cannot get it!”

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You had negative ideas but youth was strong enough to hold you up. And as soon as early youth left, then you allowed the negative ideas to hold sway. You have every opportunity now to begin again. No one can force you to be the self that you are and can be. But no one but yourself can make you recreate the failure that you have been recreating. You can meet appointments and meet with people about work. There is nothing stopping you but your own imagination. Change the nature of your imagination. The power is within your own hands, and I tell you to use it. For I know that you can use it!

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. My prescription immediately is to think in terms of motion. Do not say again, “I think in terms of immobility.” Instead, immediately change your imaginative image of yourself. You must and you can do this. You must first change your image in your imagination and act upon it immediately. You must refuse, and absolutely refuse, to accept any more excuses from this superficial portion of yourself. You must imagine that within yourself—for this is the truth—there is a stronger and more powerful self, a larger self.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(A discussion ensued during the break centering about the above, the fact we create our realities, and the book The Magic of Believing [if you believe something you can do it] when Seth interjected the following.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You would do much better if your attitude followed thusly: I am in such a position that my seriousness has given me no benefits. My imagination has brought me fear. And I seem to be in a prison. All my hard work has brought me nowhere, and therefore I shall change my tactics and I shall play. I do not care, for I am playing, which game I try first. So today I shall call up and make an appointment immediately as a teacher and I shall pretend with all my might that I am an excellent teacher. And today I shall be a teacher as no teacher ever was! And I will think of all those students that I do not know yet and how I can help them and what fun it shall be! And so I shall call up and make this appointment. And it does not make any great difference whether I get this particular job or not—for if I do not get it, tomorrow I shall be an artist. And I shall call up and make an appointment as an artist—but I shall be free in whatever I do—and spontaneous.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

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