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ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 14/57 (25%) Florence puritan umbrella guts violence
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Tuesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Theodore.) Now, I simply came to let you know that I was in on your conversation, and because I did not want to have you think that I played your little trick and rob you of the pleasure of realizing that you did it for yourselves. It was an excellent phenomena. Now had the lights been off and candles burning dimly and incense added then, indeed, you would have all had a time. As all of you know, the spirits are somewhat more lively. They do not require any darker rooms than you do.

(To Arnold.) I have a few remarks for our friend over here. It is time for you to take a step in your psychological time experiments, and I hope that you will take it shortly. It should be a new development and one that was inherent from the beginning for you.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Now, in all of your minds there is still this conception that what you want to do automatically, because you want to do it, must be wrong because it is too easy. Now reality is easy. This universe is not maintained by conscious thought and if all of you together had to consciously decide ahead of time why the universe should exist, it would not exist, for you would not have made up your mind yet. Be lucky and thankful that the inner self does not have these hang-ups. You see how well I do with your vocabulary.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(To Laurie.) Now what Ruburt said to you I would like to reinforce ten times: It is like a woman in the rain who carries an umbrella, and instead of using it, she says, “Well, it is raining too hard. I do not want to get my hands wet or put up this umbrella.” And so she carries the umbrella and remains soaking wet. So you have not been using your abilities in your family relationships.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Florence.) I did not say you were wasting your time, for you were not. I said you were dillydallying; that is not necessarily a waste of time. You were, however, using it instead of the time you could have been using to look further inward.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Most of the dead do not particularly wish to influence the living. Some of us, however, have a particular course to follow as we did, in your terms, in our lifetime. There are many courses that you can follow after death after you have finished your reincarnation. Because when you are finished with your reincarnation, there is not a time when you can say, “There, I have had it. I put in my chips and now I will find peace ever after.” You continue to develop your abilities, but you continue to develop them in dimensions of reality that you do not understand now and so in this existence of mine I am a teacher and I visit other dimensions of actuality such as your own. In this particular instance, I try to affect you so that you will not blow yourselves off the faces of your planet. Because while your planet is dispensable, it is the only one you have right now and there is no use being so wasteful.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment. First of all there are not levels, per se. You develop the abilities that are yours, the best you can, within physical reality. You may, therefore, for example, choose to be an intellectual giant in one life and an emotional idiot in order that you can concentrate upon intellectual abilities. Or you may emotionally be extremely mature, and decide not to use your intellect to any great degree so that you can concentrate on emotional reality. Now, in your case, you have had four past lives. Two as a woman and two as a male. There is not time to go into them deeply this evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Arnold.) The African God. The psychological time experiences should involve you with some very legitimate information from that one past life that was mentioned earlier. The African God episode. You should remember some of the things that you have forgotten.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You have a very significant reincarnational past, and you will either discover it for yourself, or I will give you some hints involving it in later sessions. You are doing well, however, and you are progressing in inner experiments. Certain ideas of yours that you have been harboring for some time will be coming to fruition, and you can trust them.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(To Ned.) The man with the eyes behind the chair—your psychological time experience was quite correct, and it should show you what you can do when you want to. He wants to do it on his own, you see.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

When you feel that way you are falling into a trap. You are so distrustful of the innate vitality of life and of consciousness and of All That Is that you feel that your aggressive thoughts can take it off balance and, magnified a million times, destroy it. Now on an individual basis, each of you is quite able to accept from the other, though I am certain that it would never happen in this class, a stray negative thought, or an aggressive thought, or even at times a stray ray of hatred.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Do not, therefore, exaggerate the situation or magnify it by imagining this feeling as affecting the other person involved. Say, “I feel this way and I must express it at this time or be honest, but he has his protection from my feelings. He is filled with the vitality of life even as I am.” But if you ignore the feeling or pretend that it does not exist, then it is repressed within you and it draws to it all those other repressed violences; minute, insignificant details, seemingly, that gain charge until they fill you and must be expressed. Then you can meet the same individual four years later when the situation is forgotten and react violently and hurt him, where harmlessly the feeling automatically and spontaneously would have been expressed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I will end our session. What I want to do is to make you realize you can increase your awareness of reality and those experiences you had this evening you can have in your own psychological time experiences to a far greater degree.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Florence.) And if you trusted your spontaneous self, then you would allow yourself greater freedom. Now class is good for you. It gives you a framework that you can trust in which you can allow yourself freedom. You cannot allow yourself freedom within conventional religion at this time because of your own ideas. You cannot allow yourself freedom without any framework because you are afraid of what you will find, so you had better take advantage of the framework that is here presented to you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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