1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session decemb 8 1970" AND stemmed:our)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(To Arnold.) I have a few remarks for our friend over here. It is time for you to take a step in your psychological time experiments, and I hope that you will take it shortly. It should be a new development and one that was inherent from the beginning for you.
(To Florence.) Now, this will doubtlessly be our very tardy Lady of Florence. We are delighted that you came at all.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Now, if there ever was a puritan remark it was the one that just escaped our friend, Ruburt’s lips, for in his mind still, you see, you must have this purpose and be active and it is wrong to simply go back to bed for no better reason than that you want to go back to bed.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
And now after our new friends see what a playful personality I am with a sermon like that, I will let you take your break.
(To Theodore.) I have a remark for our dean and it is this. You know very well that surprises are being prepared for you in your Great Hall and when you are ready to understand them, you will return. Now you are completing a cycle. After going inward to some degree, to some considerable degree, you are now using your abilities to manipulate physical reality and turn in your outlook into your physical environment using your abilities to help people that you know, and this is excellent. But you will also find it both necessary and enjoyable to return to the inner source of your being, which for you is symbolized as the Great Hall, for it is from there that you receive your insights and your support. And you know this as well as I do.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Most of the dead do not particularly wish to influence the living. Some of us, however, have a particular course to follow as we did, in your terms, in our lifetime. There are many courses that you can follow after death after you have finished your reincarnation. Because when you are finished with your reincarnation, there is not a time when you can say, “There, I have had it. I put in my chips and now I will find peace ever after.” You continue to develop your abilities, but you continue to develop them in dimensions of reality that you do not understand now and so in this existence of mine I am a teacher and I visit other dimensions of actuality such as your own. In this particular instance, I try to affect you so that you will not blow yourselves off the faces of your planet. Because while your planet is dispensable, it is the only one you have right now and there is no use being so wasteful.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(To Mack.) First of all, you are protecting the inner self very well and you have a protective attitude toward it which is good. Our friend over here deliberates, which is also good, but he does not deliberate in a dry manner, but creatively. And while he does not speak often in class, what is said in class sinks into his mind, and he uses it in his own way. He uses what is important and discards what he does not need.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
I will end our session. What I want to do is to make you realize you can increase your awareness of reality and those experiences you had this evening you can have in your own psychological time experiences to a far greater degree.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]