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ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 17/57 (30%) Florence puritan umbrella guts violence
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Tuesday

Now, I bid you all good evening.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(To Theodore.) Now, I simply came to let you know that I was in on your conversation, and because I did not want to have you think that I played your little trick and rob you of the pleasure of realizing that you did it for yourselves. It was an excellent phenomena. Now had the lights been off and candles burning dimly and incense added then, indeed, you would have all had a time. As all of you know, the spirits are somewhat more lively. They do not require any darker rooms than you do.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Florence.) Now, this will doubtlessly be our very tardy Lady of Florence. We are delighted that you came at all.

(To Mary Ellen.) You knew what the message would be before you came here on a subconscious basis and Ruburt, all unaware, has already delivered it to you, and it was in his terms to cool it because spontaneity must progress at its own rate and feel comfortable in both physical reality and inner reality. You are not to go into inner reality like a door to a closet, and close the door behind you. It may be comfortable, but that is not its purpose. Now, your own unconscious mind knew this and you were told to come so that the message could be delivered rather forcibly, so consider this a forcible delivery. You are doing very well.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will let you all take a brief break now that I have broken the ice and I will return shortly.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, in all of your minds there is still this conception that what you want to do automatically, because you want to do it, must be wrong because it is too easy. Now reality is easy. This universe is not maintained by conscious thought and if all of you together had to consciously decide ahead of time why the universe should exist, it would not exist, for you would not have made up your mind yet. Be lucky and thankful that the inner self does not have these hang-ups. You see how well I do with your vocabulary.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Many of you would have questioned yourselves for an hour, “Why do I want to go back to bed? It is wicked and lazy and wrong of me to even think of such a thing. How will the world do without me if I am not up and about? The devil deals with idle minds.” And so, at the end of an hour, had you begrudgingly gone to your bed, the inspiration would have long since departed. What inspiration could hang around in such thought? You laugh spontaneously, the Gods laugh spontaneously. They do not stop, first of all, to decide whether it is right or wrong.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now that I have given you all these goodies, I will let you take your break. And if I did not care what happened to you, I would not yell at you so. Besides you expect it (to Florence).

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment. First of all there are not levels, per se. You develop the abilities that are yours, the best you can, within physical reality. You may, therefore, for example, choose to be an intellectual giant in one life and an emotional idiot in order that you can concentrate upon intellectual abilities. Or you may emotionally be extremely mature, and decide not to use your intellect to any great degree so that you can concentrate on emotional reality. Now, in your case, you have had four past lives. Two as a woman and two as a male. There is not time to go into them deeply this evening.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(To Mack.) First of all, you are protecting the inner self very well and you have a protective attitude toward it which is good. Our friend over here deliberates, which is also good, but he does not deliberate in a dry manner, but creatively. And while he does not speak often in class, what is said in class sinks into his mind, and he uses it in his own way. He uses what is important and discards what he does not need.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt had some experiments in mind for class tonight. Some of them I think you could all use.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Creativity is its own responsibility. It follows laws that are beyond those that you realize or recognize. It answers needs that consciously you do not know exist. It has its own validity, and it will always work. The defeatist kind of literature, to which you are referring, often serves to bring to the foremost of the mind the deepest fears that have been unrecognized and being unrecognized has done the greatest damage. Also, such information brings issues to the foremost where they will be dealt with. There are gradations of creativity as there are gradations to anything else, but all will be used creatively. And you will get further answers from yourself and doubtlessly from me.

You must realize, along those same terms, that you are also responsible for the fantastic body of the earth as you know it. And when you are depressed and worried about the power of destructive thought, realize that on an unconscious basis, you are also responsible for the seasons, and for the skies, and for the mountains, and for all those supportive elements of your planet.

When you feel that way you are falling into a trap. You are so distrustful of the innate vitality of life and of consciousness and of All That Is that you feel that your aggressive thoughts can take it off balance and, magnified a million times, destroy it. Now on an individual basis, each of you is quite able to accept from the other, though I am certain that it would never happen in this class, a stray negative thought, or an aggressive thought, or even at times a stray ray of hatred.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

If you feel in that way then you should first of all admit to yourself, honestly, that that is your feeling, and as a feeling it exists and is legitimate. Do not say, “I will not feel in such and such a way, or worse, I do not feel this way.” Do not say, “God bless his soul,” when you hate his guts. You are the one who will feel the pain in the guts in that case, and not him. Instead honestly admit the feeling as a reality. Now, if it is strong, use whatever commonplace methods are available to you, a punching bag, yell your lungs out if you prefer, but when you are finished then say, “This is a feeling that I have, it was legitimate. Soon I will not feel the need for such feelings for understanding will change my emotional makeup. Now, the feeling can vanish from me that I have expressed it in a harmless way that I know.” Then immediately forget it and imagine the vitality of the universe as being strong enough and wise enough to absorb your petty violence and survive.

Do not, therefore, exaggerate the situation or magnify it by imagining this feeling as affecting the other person involved. Say, “I feel this way and I must express it at this time or be honest, but he has his protection from my feelings. He is filled with the vitality of life even as I am.” But if you ignore the feeling or pretend that it does not exist, then it is repressed within you and it draws to it all those other repressed violences; minute, insignificant details, seemingly, that gain charge until they fill you and must be expressed. Then you can meet the same individual four years later when the situation is forgotten and react violently and hurt him, where harmlessly the feeling automatically and spontaneously would have been expressed.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, I give you all my fondest wishes and those blessings that are mine to give, I give to you. And those of you who are ready to go their own way and do their own thing, I will speak to you later this evening. And Ruburt would appreciate a few words on nice white bond.

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