1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session decemb 22 1970" AND stemmed:our)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
This evening it was but in a different guise. Besides the person of whom you are aware, there are also other guises taken by the same personality, and he has appeared in your dreams before you were aware of him objectively. And like our class member the Dean, you will begin to follow your own way. Do not be impatient, however.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
It is too late this evening to go into the allegory of the Bible. I have, to some extent, done some work on this in my own book, thus far. People in the Bible often were the personification of certain human characteristics. If, for example, a point were to be made along these lines, the following could happen— Say that you wanted to express the human characteristics that can lead to disaster, that can lead a man to betray another. Now, you are familiar with morality plays so in our story we take the term deceit and we give it a name and we make a person out of deceit and we call it, for example, Judas.
And so, if you are very innocent and a child, and you read our story, you have a pageant of characters. But if you look beneath you see that there is much more and that the story is merely the coating. It gives you suspense and Ruburt would say it gives you a great story line and while you are reading the story, however, you are automatically taking in the inner truths that are within it whether or not you are consciously aware of what you are doing. Now, this is only a partial, very partial, explanation for something that you are.
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
Now listen. Imagine an onion, and if there is someone here who does not like onions, imagine anything you please. An onion comes up from the earth and the growth principle is within it; and imagine our poor onion in the earth. You see, I am not using a flower, and the onion comes up and it insists that it must know who God is and where He is that makes him grow. And so our onion, with the full vitality within it to grow from the inside out, as all things grow, instead looks at the fine carrot next to him, and such a lovely hue, and examines the carrot in his mind to see if this is God. And then he looks up to the asparagus and to the vines and to the tree. And the tree is much larger so surely, the tree must be God. Aha, but the tree does not look like an onion so, therefore, the tree could not be God. God instead must be a giant onion, a beautiful giant onion, and so our poor and stupid little onion spends all its life waiting for this giant perfection of an onion to come by and save it. He may even hallucinate such a giant onion but all the time the principle of vitality and power and growth is All That Is, and all of it that you can understand at this point, is within the onion. The principle within it that gives it its existence. Now, if ever I find a church of onions, I will let you know.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
While you are taking your break there is one remark that I would like to make. Now, I have mentioned this before, but because our Lady of Florence has been so maligned, then I will make this point again. You have our Lady of Florence to thank that there are classes here, for Ruburt would not think of them in the beginning, and it was our friend, who you think is too intellectual and not intuitional, who suggested the classes in the first place to Ruburt and opened his mind so that he would follow my suggestions.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
I have one small point before we close that I also wanted to mention. You are all remiss in one point here in that you give our Lady of Florence further negative suggestions that reinforce her own distrust of her intuitive self; so let us see that attitude suspended, and I will suspend the session. My heartiest regards to all of you and a fond goodnight.