
1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session decemb 22 1970" AND stemmed:all)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 22, 1970 10/77 (13%) onion Gert Cato Natalie church
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, December 22, 1970 Tuesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

It was not Cato but the information, portions of the information, were once given by Cato and the man is a follower of some, though not all, of Cato’s works. Now the works will make you think, so read them.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I want all of you to become aware of this inner mobility of consciousness. Use it. Now, none of you clearly left your bodies, with one exception; but mentally you detached yourselves to various degrees. You are taking first steps well, but the subjective knowledge must come from within each of you. I cannot give it to you.

Now, so-called occult knowledge dealt with secret knowledge, and it is secret to the extent that every man must discover it for himself and that is the end of the secrecy. But, in one manner of speaking, it cannot be told for you must have your own experience and recognize it. Very briefly this evening some of you dealt with the reality of symbols, and this is extremely important for the physical body that you know is a materialization of symbols that you have created. You do not know the symbols for yourselves but you can discover what they are, and I will expect you all to do so.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, I suggest that you all take your break. I wanted you to know that I was here, but I also wanted you to know that I am keeping an eye out for your experiments in class and when you are not in class sometimes.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Now, you also have the memory of your future existences, for time does not exist as it seems to you now, and a portion of you is aware of your future as it is aware of your past. And so also, in your terms of time, as this sifts through to the physical being you had a great dream of grandeurs achieved, and yet you look around and see them unachieved in the morning. When your species squatted in the cliff caves and when they ran in terror across the face of the earth pursued by wolves and imagined that demons lurked in the shadows, when with ghost memories were great contrast to the world that they saw and know, and so they weaved a story from their memories. And so your legends are not only made of your past but they are also weaved from your future, in your terms, and all of these are interwoven even with your flesh. So that if all physical knowledge were taken from you, all the knowledge that you have learned since birth in this life, and that is impossible, but if it were possible still within you would always be the inner knowledge not only of your own private past and future, but of the private past and future of your kind and of your species.

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

There will be an evolution of it, and an evolution of all religion as the people realize that the God is within them.

Now listen. Imagine an onion, and if there is someone here who does not like onions, imagine anything you please. An onion comes up from the earth and the growth principle is within it; and imagine our poor onion in the earth. You see, I am not using a flower, and the onion comes up and it insists that it must know who God is and where He is that makes him grow. And so our onion, with the full vitality within it to grow from the inside out, as all things grow, instead looks at the fine carrot next to him, and such a lovely hue, and examines the carrot in his mind to see if this is God. And then he looks up to the asparagus and to the vines and to the tree. And the tree is much larger so surely, the tree must be God. Aha, but the tree does not look like an onion so, therefore, the tree could not be God. God instead must be a giant onion, a beautiful giant onion, and so our poor and stupid little onion spends all its life waiting for this giant perfection of an onion to come by and save it. He may even hallucinate such a giant onion but all the time the principle of vitality and power and growth is All That Is, and all of it that you can understand at this point, is within the onion. The principle within it that gives it its existence. Now, if ever I find a church of onions, I will let you know.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

When you know what it is, you will be on your own. You will be working with two segments of people though you only think you will be working with one segment. You see yourself with young people, but you will also be working with very old people. And that is all I will say to you about it right now. It will be your own and in your own way.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now, I am going to say good evening because I know that it is close to the Christmas season, and you are all tired and how can you be born again unless you go and get some sleep. So I will give you a merry Ho, Ho, Ho.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I have one small point before we close that I also wanted to mention. You are all remiss in one point here in that you give our Lady of Florence further negative suggestions that reinforce her own distrust of her intuitive self; so let us see that attitude suspended, and I will suspend the session. My heartiest regards to all of you and a fond goodnight.

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