1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session august 18 1970" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 44 paragraphs ...]
He is doing very well, but in the case of children, in most but not all, they are able to handle their fears. In a strange manner they are not afraid of their fears. They accept their fears as they accept a chair, or a rock, or a face and then they deal with them. But they are not afraid of their fears in the same manner that you are. Remember, consciousness has its own protection, its own vitality, and trust in the vitality of your own consciousness and of your own way and that is the answer. For you have a vitality within you and you have only to call upon it and it comes to your aid. This applies to each of you. It is only when you fear you do not have this vitality that it betrays you, and then it does not betray you, but you betray it. You have all the energy, all the ability, all the power and all the strength you will need within you to face each and every situation and be the selves you want to be. You have only to know and understand this and you can bring up from yourselves energy such as you never dreamed.
([Derek:] “Earlier today I was working on some clay work I was doing for someone else. I had already done one and found I could not do it again because I had spent all of my creative energy on the first and could not do another one like it. Is this what you mean by betraying my own ability to do it again?”)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
He was a probable self of your grandfather’s and he kept in touch with you, and you were able to see him because of your own abilities. He noticed you, even as you noticed him, and in his probability he wondered who you were, but he liked you. He was a portion of your grandfather that your grandfather as you know him, could not be, and in many ways he was much freer than your grandfather. Now, he had a hobby and he made small dolls. These were dolls made of wood and into them he projected all of his creative energy, and he made a doll that looked like you, and he called it Susan without ever knowing where he got the name. He did not know it was your name, nor who you were. He lived in Germany in his reality. He was born in his reality in 1831 and died in 1897. But you were able to see him. In out-of-body states, he projected into your reality. We will give you more information on it as we are able to.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
Now, I am not going to keep you. I have aroused sufficient energy in each of you so that you can use this when you sleep this evening and be thankful that I have human tendencies that are so obvious and noticeable. Then there is something else to consider and then personality as you do not understand it comes to the fore. Personality without those characteristics that you know and understand so well. In other words, consciousness without camouflage, for the characteristics that I use are camouflage, beloved camouflage perhaps; but without them you would not understand what I am saying, and without them in yourselves, you would not learn to recognize the self that you can be.
And now, I do indeed wish you good evening. We have generated much energy. Use it for your own benefit as you sleep and give yourselves suitable suggestions.