1 result for (book:ecs2 AND heading:"esp class session august 18 1970" AND stemmed:bodi)

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 6/63 (10%) Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Tuesday

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Now, he does indeed visit you while you sleep. He has been trying to communicate with you, and you must indeed relax for you are the one that adds these symbols of death. It is you who adds the symbolism that he rises from the tomb. He never knew the tomb, he left his body long before then.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, it is extreme egotism to imagine that you can only be alive if you have a body. You are indeed being closed-minded. The voice that I can use on occasion could shatter the small image through which I speak and the spirit that belongs to your parents could not be contained in one bodily form or two. The spirit of your parents is, of course, free. You are free even while you are in the flesh, and I have nothing against the flesh. I have had some time with it through past lives, and found it very handy, indeed, so I am not prejudiced. You are caught up in conventional ideas of this. It is this that frightens you in your dreams. The spirits of your parents are free. Allow them their freedom and speak kindly to them. You would frighten the ghosts away with your own fear. If you had to go through all that they had to go through to contact a beloved daughter, how would you feel if you were met with fear and terror?

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(After break, to Sharon.) Now, your parents do not want you to grieve, they have been trying to tell you that they are as alive as you are. I do not want to hurt your feelings but they are more alive than you are. They came to you because they wanted you to question the nature of reality more deeply than you have done so. They will not come for long. They have their own business to attend to and their own reality to meet and their own challenges to accept, but, they are coming to you so that you will be aware of their continued existence; and also so that you will be aware of the nature of your own inner self which is as free of your physical body now as they are.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(After break, to Sally B.) I will bid you all good evening, and whenever you are ready I will be ready to help you out of your body, but you are a slowpoke and you get frightened.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

He was a probable self of your grandfather’s and he kept in touch with you, and you were able to see him because of your own abilities. He noticed you, even as you noticed him, and in his probability he wondered who you were, but he liked you. He was a portion of your grandfather that your grandfather as you know him, could not be, and in many ways he was much freer than your grandfather. Now, he had a hobby and he made small dolls. These were dolls made of wood and into them he projected all of his creative energy, and he made a doll that looked like you, and he called it Susan without ever knowing where he got the name. He did not know it was your name, nor who you were. He lived in Germany in his reality. He was born in his reality in 1831 and died in 1897. But you were able to see him. In out-of-body states, he projected into your reality. We will give you more information on it as we are able to.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Now, you can return to yourself with all kinds of knowledge. You can regenerate your physical system with the knowledge that you have attained; but do not necessarily expect this knowledge to be intellectual for the three-dimensional brain will not be able to translate all of it. The effects, however, will be felt in the three-dimensional body. It is a good analogy. Those are teaching methods and mark them well.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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