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ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 10/22 (45%) dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, bad vibrations come from within the self, as do good ones. The great trip, the great fascination, the cosmic energy and power and strength resides within the eyes of a frog, within the body of a suburbanite who mows his lawn. It resides in the housewife as she goes about her chores and psychic power is meant to unite you and not to set you apart as aliens to your brothers. It is to bind you with All That Is, to open your abilities so that you can comprehend and comprehension never excludes. The greater your comprehension, the more your ability and understanding can include. Therefore, listen to your own inner voice and follow your way, but do not trust those who tell you that good vibrations are here with A and B and C and bad vibrations are with E, F, G and H, for the energy that forms All That Is is within each. It forms each. Use your abilities to find out your reality but do not deprive another of his reality and do not allow yourself to become impressed. Do you follow me?

([Kyle:] “I think so, but it seems to me we have to build off each other. I try to fight it, but for one person to build up his own ego, he has to push down other people and I say this is wrong but I see it all around me.”)

It is not a necessity, it is simply the result of ignorance. Now, and you all have the beginnings of a good text book, and I am going to ask you questions. You had better read it thoroughly, and if you will read some of the material again that is in the book, you will see what I mean. You do not deprive another person of air by breathing it, for you yourself contribute to the atmosphere. And no man needs to build up his ego by crushing another. And no man builds up his ego by crushing another, he merely crushes the inner being which is within him.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I will let you all take a break and without looking at anyone in the room, I will come back. Someone who has not been here for some time. I would not have it said that I would pinpoint anyone in particular. Be dazzled by your own consciousness and your own energy and beware of those who set themselves out to dazzle you, simply to dazzle you. Your own consciousness is quite dazzling and it will do you for some time. Enjoy your wine and I will return. I may even smoke one of your long monsters.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, I have treated you all very gently in class, and I have used simple language, and I have explained things easily and coddled you, Now, 1 want you to study the material that you have. It is not difficult. You are simply not used to directing your intellects toward philosophical material and then applying it to yourselves and to your lives. This is not my fault, it is your own.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will speak to the lovely roses in the vase so that you will know I am not addressing anyone in particular. Now, one of these roses leaves the familiar world that it knows and embarks upon out-of-body experiences quite frequently, but this rose has a beautiful memory. In the out-of-body state this rose remembers all the out-of-body experiences it has had, but when it comes back to the body it forgets them all. It is not necessary that you remember, but if you want to remember, then indeed you can. And so the why would take too long this evening but I will answer it for you as circumstances permit. There is, in other words, an answer to the why. You are aware, however, that you take these excursions. For now, be satisfied with that and do not try too hard. You will return. It is not the returning that bothers you. Now, I will give you some information on the subject, though it is too late this evening, and if you want some specific exercises that you personally can use, I do not know that you will smell as sweet as a rose on your return, but we will see to it that you get the exercises.

Now, I will let you all take a break. One word here and it is something that I have said rather recently in another class. Peace can be excitement but turmoil can, now, be dull. Do not equate turmoil with excitement and peace with turmoil for these are also conventional habits of thought that do not necessarily apply. Traveling can be external, but you can travel around the world and go nowhere and you can sit in your chair and travel beyond the universe, so do not be taken in by conventional habits of thought regardless of which conventions the patterns follow. Be yourself whoever you are, whether alike or different from your fellows. Do you follow me?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Realize that peace—you may use the word quiet—peace or quiet can also be exhilarating and that outward motion need not be, it may be. Now, you may all take a break.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I will now say good evening so that you may all go home and go to bed and have some real experiences. And I want to thank you for the questions that you asked in class and that Ruburt used in the book for those sessions will help others more than you know, and the questions that you ask will be asked by others, and they will be looking for answers, so in your way you have done your thing and the doubts and questions that you have, have helped others.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will close so you can go home and read the whole book all over again. My heartiest regards to you all and particularly to my friend of the roses to whom I will not look.

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