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ECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 10/35 (29%) Quebec idol god tribe Mabunda
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now. Give us a moment. We have you in Africa. First of all, in 4 BC, as a woman. Now it is not generally known that there was a civilization at that time, rather well developed, in the southwestern corner of the continent. I will attempt to get at the name—Mabunda—Mabunda. You were black and a craftsman, for there were crafts. You were what is called a “chief hunter.” And on the land, which you then inherited, there were artifacts from a still earlier civilization. And in your hunting expeditions you sometimes came upon these. And in one of your excursions you came upon the image of a small god, long since forgotten by that civilization, and the god was called “Marumba.” It was a small black image—something like the stereotyped Buddha image—but with several differences. The object was of ivory. The civilization, even then long forgotten, had lost all of the knowledge that that earlier civilization possessed. The eyes of the image were like dowels. And from the pupils, lines came outward so that the pupils appeared to be like a half-seen sun or moon, and the lines like rays.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Maraba Iraqua was your name, and you put about your body the dead wings of birds and danced about the image. “Macraugh, macraugh”—the sound of the birds then. The birds you killed... and used their wings, dancing about the image. You became known as a witch doctor, only that was not the term then. And shortly after, others joined you. But you did not learn all the secrets of this strange image. And when you died, they ate your flesh and burned your bones and buried them in a circle around the image. But you did not feel that you had learned enough. You waited a long time to return. And in the meantime you had experiences in other realities.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Forty miles to the northeast of Quebec you were born. Your father was involved in a war with people to the northwest. You ended up around what is now Rochester, New York. And you were involved, though not as a warrior, in a war in which many lost their lives upon the nearby lake. And in all of this life you questioned and tried to use your intuitions to the fullest.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And you are back to your garden of consciousness again. You may all take a break. And congratulations (Brad). I will congratulate you before I push you harder.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. He has been given a highly important symbol which stands in his psyche for the meaning of truth. But each of you are, in your way, to become as gods and accept that awesome responsibility. Now you notice I said to become as gods—and note the plural. There is a unity that unites all plurals. (Long pause.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

It is all right to be knuckleheaded when you are awake, but when you are dreaming, you should allow yourself more freedom—remember your love of color. Remember that when you go to sleep at night; remember the colors that you see—for you do see them and you can paint them.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I’m speaking now of your psychic work and interest. And one of the things that hampers you, what you are afraid of, is very simple: You are afraid that underneath it all you will find the autocratic, cruel, frightening and basically unjust God that lingers in the back of your mind and subconscious. And that despite all your journeys and quests, he will be there to claim you, and that though you try to escape him, that this is the face of the real God that you will find. Now his face, as you conceive of it in your own subconscious, is the voice and the face of unreasoning punishment that can be lowered upon you without warning—the unpredictable punishment for crimes that you cannot remember having committed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And it is this image of a god that you have been seeking to escape and yet fear that you will once again find. Now this is the god of your infancy and shortly after. For in all that you had, those qualities of unbending justice, inhumanely applied, were what clung to your mind and heart and tinged the edges of your soul with fear.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All I have to say now is that it is not true.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I wish you all good evening and those blessings that are mine to give.

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