1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 17 1968" AND stemmed:light)
A quieter bunch I have never seen! I dare not keep my friend Ruburt too long, for I have put him through his paces this week indeed. And we have been conversing with people of some note—I was on my good manners. We have indeed seriously made some good friends. But there are no friends like old friends and no lights like lights that explode. I could not have you so maligned. Obviously I was not annoyed. I was amused, and my amusement on occasions takes odd form.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now if I were coming here for fun, I would indeed enjoy smiles and light and conversation. I would not, however, think of coming to such a sober group for fun. I had indeed better put on my (words lost) and instruct you.
I did, as always, have a purpose this evening in making myself known. And if now and then I indulge in a few very human reactions, then you must forgive me. But the matter, the lights, did indeed seem a suitable reaction on my part. I enjoyed it.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
All, all–life is full of vitality, and all life is joyful, and sitting around the table with long faces is not any more beneficial than sitting around the table with wine on it and the lights lit. My vitality is here, and it was not drawn here by long faces nor by sorrow. Vitality grows as it triumphs over sorrows and in any of my antics, as with the suddenly exploding light, there is also a purpose. And the purpose in that point was to let you see that the human individual reaction of a given personality continues. Only those very sure of their reality can afford to take pleasure in small things and to enjoy them.
Now I shall keep silent for a while. But I have been here this evening and I will be here a while longer. And I shall leave the light where it belongs.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
I played with the light to help you out. The work that you (Florence) have done here helps all of the students and it does help you, but you must still open the door. The doorknob works, it will not fall off in your hands. The door will not explode and you have nothing to fear. If I could give you indulgences then I would.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]