
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 17 1968" AND stemmed:all)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 7/27 (26%) dog door taskmaster yaps fear
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 Tuesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now in time, you will all receive individual sessions, and in time you will receive enough individual sessions so that you will have something upon which to build. And then I may not be so jovial. I am glad at least to see some smiles and broad ones, and laughter. We are, in many cases you understand, more jovial than you, for we can see the humor where in many cases you can not.

I will not again, since I have put Ruburt through so much this week, I will not speak loudly. There was another point, however, that I wanted to make, and I have spoken to you many times to get this simple point across, and yet by your actions this evening, all of you then, I can see that I have not put that point across. I will mention it again.

All, all–life is full of vitality, and all life is joyful, and sitting around the table with long faces is not any more beneficial than sitting around the table with wine on it and the lights lit. My vitality is here, and it was not drawn here by long faces nor by sorrow. Vitality grows as it triumphs over sorrows and in any of my antics, as with the suddenly exploding light, there is also a purpose. And the purpose in that point was to let you see that the human individual reaction of a given personality continues. Only those very sure of their reality can afford to take pleasure in small things and to enjoy them.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now you should feel a strong vitality here, and you should feel it touch each of you. You all have a vitality and energy that you do not realize that you possess, and it takes such an ancient, old decrepit, sorrowful spirit such as I to tell you. The energy used in this room this evening and in your talk and chatter, that energy barely touches upon the energy that you have and that you have not yet directed.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now that I have taken you all down a peg, remember, there is no grade behind that door. There is only freedom and strength and joy and vitality. I can poke your arm so that you move the knob a bit, but that is all that I can do. You can open the door and I am indeed sure that you will do so. I am also sure that a little talk like this will help you do so quicker. Now, I will cease, and whether or not I shall speak again this evening, who of you knows?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I played with the light to help you out. The work that you (Florence) have done here helps all of the students and it does help you, but you must still open the door. The doorknob works, it will not fall off in your hands. The door will not explode and you have nothing to fear. If I could give you indulgences then I would.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

If a dark angry mongrel follows you down the street and you know it and you say to yourself, “It is a fine day and I am alone and there is no dog behind me,” and it yaps at your feet and you say, “It is a lovely day and no dog yaps at my feet,” and it growls at your ankles and you run as fast as you can saying all the time, “Nothing chases me,” and you dare not look back; then in your mind the dog springs from a dog to a tiger, to an unnamable terror. And you do not look around to see that it is merely a small dog, but in your mind you build these fears. If you stop and turn around to see what is bothering you and you find a small dog, then you take a deep breath of relief and wish you had turned around sooner. This is you (Sally) and your fear.

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