1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session septemb 17 1968" AND stemmed:theodor)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 3/27 (11%) dog door taskmaster yaps fear
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 Tuesday

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

([Theodore:] “Crack the whip!”)

Someone (Theodore) over there seems too anxious. I do welcome you (Zen Dean) to this room.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now it is well and good for me to come here. You need not think any of this reprimand for you. It is fine and well for me to come here and talk to you, but you are not taking time from your daily activities to develop your own abilities, not to look inward, and you (Theodore) need not be included here. You will have your sessions when you take some time to look within yourselves. You must do part of your own work. I shall not do it for you. I even make Ruburt do his own work and I ride him hard. For I am also some taskmaster, but you must be your own taskmasters also.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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