1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session octob 8 1968" AND stemmed:right)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I welcome back our world traveler, and when you are a space and time traveler as well, then I shall also welcome you back. You all travel far beyond the confines of the world that you think you know, and you waken in the morning with little memory of where you have been. And here we have a traveler indeed, for you travel further than most, but you do not want to remember. That is perfectly all right, you go where you go and you travel where you travel, and if you want to tear your tickets up in the morning and forget where you have been, that is your own privilege.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
All right now, I will fix all of you. I will say good evening to you now, but I will continue what I have to say when you go to sleep this evening. I will continue my dissertation, for I had one planned. If you will not listen to me when you are awake because it is too late, then I shall be like a recording machine so that you learn while you sleep. I may indeed take care of you (to Theodore). Joking aside, I will speak to those now here this evening while you sleep, and you may ask me what questions you have. You may or may not remember. Over that I have no control, and it goes without saying that you can listen or not. I will not force, and would not force, myself upon you. But you are not sufficiently impressed with the reality of your existence within the dream state. You still do not realize its significance. You still do not realize the potential that you have and that you use in the dream state, and that you do not use ordinarily in your waking life. Now when I speak to you, you may remember me, but you may very well see me as you think I am.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]