
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session octob 8 1968" AND stemmed:now)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 12/19 (63%) bell task Lafinda ring brandy
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 Tuesday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


All right now, I will fix all of you. I will say good evening to you now, but I will continue what I have to say when you go to sleep this evening. [...] Joking aside, I will speak to those now here this evening while you sleep, and you may ask me what questions you have. [...] Now when I speak to you, you may remember me, but you may very well see me as you think I am. [...]


[...] Now, I have been a liberal from way back, and yet there are certain circumstances indeed where I become very conservative. [...] Now as you have known, I have been here this evening, bell and all. [...]


[...] You know now, I do not have to tell you, that you are not actuating all your abilities. [...] Now you are in too many places at once. [...]


Now I ring the bell—and I will clear up a slight issue that has come to my attention. [...] Now you should realize that this endeavor is indeed a highly creative one, for you have here at the least, at the very least, two personalities, my own and Ruburt’s, and we dwell entirely (in) different dimensions. [...]


Now, I did not speak earlier, and I have not spoken directly before to Lafinda, and Lafinda is the entity name for Vera. Now, it is she who provides strongly a supportive atmosphere in which you work. [...]


Now I give you all again those blessings that are mine to give, and I am here with you very clearly this evening so that you should be able rather vividly to sense my reality, and in sensing my reality to sense that greater reality of your own. So though I say good evening to you now, I will visit again with you whether or not you remember, for a portion of you will know, and the portion of you never forgets such encounters. [...]


[...] Now, I am quite prepared to continue quite as I am now with you here for some time. [...]


[...] Now you may take a rest and then I shall call the class to order (ringing bell), and my kind of order... [...]


Now you hear the words, but I am behind the words and highly creative activities must go on on both our parts, so that my thoughts can be translated into words that will make meaning and sense to you. [...]


[...] Now, there is something here upon which I shall not dwell in class. [...]

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