1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session octob 22 1968" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
No stimuli is ever accidental. No stimuli is ever accidental. I repeat the sentence so you can understand it. You are never controlled. God is creativity and he creates creativity or other creators. Creativity of necessity, because of its nature, leads to further development and existence—to further creations. Control leads to rigidity, nonexistence and the negation of all. In the terms that are usually used, perfection would be death and annihilation, for it presupposes an end beyond which no progress is possible. Creativity always knows that further development always lies latent. New possibilities grow constantly from the heart and spirit. To control is to court rigidity. No God knows the word or the meaning of control, nor does he exert control as far as his abilities are concerned, for it would lead to dead alleys, and spirituality would go and leave him dried up as a fruit pit.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
You (this seemed directed to Rachel) have cultivated other gardens. There are joys that can lighten your burden. It is not your ego that you fight, although you have a model of an ego. You fight a memory that lingers on the outskirts of your mind. A transgression already forgiven—a storm already passed—a dark cloud already punctured. Now, you are naturally as free as air. The rest is a facade to hide the memory. Now, consciously you will not understand what I am telling you but unconsciously you will. The transgression has already been paid for. The penance is finished. When you realize that you are free you will be able to enjoy your freedom.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]