1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session octob 21 1969" AND stemmed:our)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
However, his energy is beyond my knowledge and his creativity is beyond my knowledge. I will not grow into what he is—we have our own ways to follow. And yet we are connected. And some of my energy, you see, also comes from him.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I should tell you that I am sorry that I kept you so long last week. My friend Ruburt has been telling me that I must apologize. And I should tell you that I have deep sympathy—but your time is not my time. I do try to take it into consideration. And yet those issues that might bring me to you in a session, have nothing to do with time as you consider it. Now I will let you take a rest period, but I have not said good evening, and you can all be comfortable. Our friend will not be speaking to you this evening, and he is not a bogey man.
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
Now there is something you do not understand, and so I will set you straight. It has been given in our material—I do not want to upset any of you. You have all seen, I suppose, educational TV. Now when you turn on your miraculous contrivance and you see the teacher on the screen, that does not mean that at that moment, the teacher is on the screen. Do you follow me? The teacher is quite legitimate but he is not there when you see him.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Much of our work is done when Ruburt is sleeping... or when he is otherwise engaged. And he becomes then your vitalized TV set, and I am sorry that the reproduction is not as good as the original because I also have other endeavors and other places, in your terms, that I must be.
I do not mean to infer that our dear friend Ruburt is simply a channel on a TV screen. Now tonight I am here clearly. My total emotional immersion may be far away from your system, in your terms, when I know I am wanted here, therefore I can appear here. For the program has already been taped.
Now when your teacher appears on the TV screen, he is not aware consciously of himself within the image that you see. It is completely a taped production. When the same thing happens in our classes, however, I am here—but to a lesser extent than I am at this moment. I am aware of myself, going with our analogy, within the image that you would see on your TV screen.
Now. I am indeed here this evening with more energy and power than a facsimile. But this does not mean that I am not here on those other occasions when you hear me speak. Do you follow me? This has been given in our sessions and Ruburt and Joseph understand it.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
So I encourage you to use both. And you are welcome to our classes whenever you can attend.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]