1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session octob 14 1969" AND stemmed:rememb)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
It is true that some physical relaxation is of great benefit. It is true also that certain methods—and I have given some of these to you—are necessary to allow you to switch your focus of attention from physical reality to other realities. It is true, also, that it takes some training to use these other conscious portions of yourself. But remember that these other portions of your identity are portions of your identity—they are a part of you. Your perceptions can be vivid using them. There is no need for you to feel that any reincarnational information must come in a murky, shadowy way through vast areas of a self that you neither know nor understand. Memories of other childhoods can be fresh and bright. You can indeed feel a sense of recognition and familiarity.
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
I have told you this and I tell you again. You are amused when I rise to your friend’s questions. You are amused by the very human characteristics I show. I make you laugh. But remember: The characteristics that I show to you, as I have told you often, are only a small portion of my reality. And I use them often as teaching tools. and when you are ready to listen, and when you can accept what I have to say without these characteristics, which you find so familiar and assuring, then your education may begin and Ruburt’s also.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
[Seth II:] Let the human characteristics by which you know me, fade into their proper perspective. Seth as you know him, is distant in my own past, a reality that I scarcely remember. He is a portion of my reality and as such he continually exists. He does now exist in his own reality. Yet to me, all that is past. I am not only what he will one day become in your terms I am far more—and in me your Seth, while remaining a developing identity on his own, is a distant memory in my consciousness. We sent him to you in your terms in some indescribably distant past. He entered your universe in a reality I find difficult to remember. He gave guidance to your kind for eons of your time. I do not sufficiently understand the experience in which you are presently involved, in your terms.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]