1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session octob 14 1969" AND stemmed:hypnosi)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969 1/60 (2%) flashlight channel shadowy penance psychologists
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969 Tuesday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

When you turn off what you think of as your conscious mind, then another conscious mind clicks into focus. You have more than one conscious mind. You can experience them only one at a time, although they exist simultaneously. When you cease using the conscious mind that you know, there is another one that will take over—you do not sink into a limbo. You are used to thinking of hypnosis in this following manner: You seem to think, most of you, that the conscious mind is blocked out, and then what follows is a murky and a shadowy version of the normal conscious mind—that the subconscious, for example, deals with material that you cannot understand consciously.

[... 46 paragraphs ...]

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