1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session may 28 1968" AND stemmed:natur)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 2/23 (9%) impart transmit solve am community
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 Tuesday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

([Theodore:] “About problems, I’m wondering whether to make a distinction between a problem which is a personal thing in nature that we must solve on our own, and a problem that is not so personally oriented but community oriented where the decision you have affects someone else and can be a wrong solution. And doesn’t affect you personally, necessarily.”)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

What the material tells you about the nature of your own reality is the closest you can come now to an approximation of the truth. No one, not even I, can hand you proof on a golden platter. You must understand what it is. Our beloved monster here (the cat) intuitively knows what is involved, and you know intuitively, but we want you to understand consciously.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

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