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ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 8/47 (17%) Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Tuesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You must become more aware of your inner selves—they are not all that horrible. You still fear, as our Lady of Florence, that there is a cellar door—a cellar door to your mind—to your inner self. And, if you open it, all sorts of demons will emerge. And if there are any angels, the demons will gobble them up before you ever get to see them. Instead, I tell you, as I have told you before, you are more than you know. And it is up to you to find your own reality. I cannot give it to you. I can point you in the direction—but the experience is personal and the experience is subjective and the journey is one that you must make and that you must make alone. I cannot make it for you. I have my own journeys to make...and detours here. And any problems that you have I have had them—so look at me and know how indestructible you are!

I tell you now—and for the sake of our guests—that death is not sober and it is not death. You simply take a giant step forward. And as my friends know that I will, I will tell you that all vitality rings...and it rings through this frame and it rings through your own frame—and it is lighthearted; and it is joyful; and it knows not sobriety; as you know, it is a lighthearted thing.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

But again, coming here once a week may help you find yourself—it may point you in the right direction—but you will only find yourself when you journey inward. And by journeying inward I do not mean a quick and hasty and apologetic trip to your child memories. I do not mean an attempt to find out why you are frightened of spiders or have boils on your arm. I am speaking of a more extensive journey. And all of you know to what I am referring.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You may ask me any questions that you like. I do not guarantee that I will answer them all. But I will answer some of them.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Now there are many ways—but only one real way. And the way is to begin the journey, as Ruburt told you, into the nature of your own consciousness for the answers are within you andnot out from you—and no one can tell you the answers. Now in one way, each individual will find his own answer—and yet all answers, in another way, are one.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You must dissociate yourself from the person that you know. Close your eyes. Imagine anything that you like that is pleasant to you. It makes no difference what it is. Then imagine yourself stepping apart from yourself in whatever way you choose. And then imagine that all about you there is another dimension and you need only take one step at a time—and you will find your answers. You have only to begin. There is an adventure and it is within you. And there are answers, and they are within you—and you can find them. Now. You have more questions?

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited dimension—you simply have not opened your eyes to see it. You think that you are blind and so you do not see. The universe in which I dwell is the universe in which all of you dwell.Some of you have better eyesight than others and the vision is not physical. Now. You have done well with theories (addressing Rev. Cross); now, I tell you to forget them. Forget the self that has the theories—and begin to experience. To do this, follow the directions that I have given, but also get in the habit of looking about you morning, noon and night—and realizing that there is more within every environment than each small room that you see.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The trick is not to try too hard, to realize that the answers are available, that they are there, that you can find them. All that is necessary is given to the flower. And all that you want will be given to you, but you must want what you want desperately enough, wholeheartedly enough. An intellectual curiosity will give you some answers but it will not give you the deepest answers.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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