
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session march 12 1968" AND stemmed:was)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 6/28 (21%) peace space banter solve sorrowful
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 Tuesday

Now I am coming to you briefly for a very simple reason—to let you know you are indeed welcome here and that you do not bother our friend Ruburt. He is less easily bothered of late in any case. We have not had a session while you have been here, and I did not want you to think that I had anything against you, you know. I will not interfere, for I know you have some business with your table to attend to. I simply wanted you to know that I was here, as I said I would be.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I will consider the situation in which you are involved (pointing to Florence), and we shall discuss it at a session as soon as possible. There is indeed a complication arising in part from past-life connections, but also in the early background of the woman involved. The problem must be worked out by her, and she must find the support within herself, you see. She is not considering others but only herself, but from the torment within herself she is projecting the situation. There is advice that will help her and I will go into the situation more thoroughly in a regular session. I will also go into another matter of which you have spoken, and it was I indeed who gave Ruburt the insight today into a certain aspect of that problem.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am in the position of teaching Ruburt and Joseph, and their responsibility is to teach others. They could accept this situation or not. The choice was up to them. Their own development however would not be as complete had they chosen to ignore the responsibility. They know me and they have known me well in past lives, you see, so I was not the stranger to them that they thought I was. This is their last reincarnation, and I tell you it is much easier to solve your problems now than to solve them later, and they are solving theirs now. And in solving theirs, they are helping others also.

Ruburt has always had a difficulty—if he will forgive me—in integrating the various abilities that are his. He was either so intellectual that you could not understand him when he spoke or so intuitive that you could not understand him when he spoke. The duty he imposed upon himself this time was to integrate these two strong aspects of himself, and he has had his difficulties in doing so. We have known each other many times, Ruburt and Joseph and I.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Seth withdrew and there was a class break.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

We were, indeed. Our slight friend Ruburt here was indeed upon occasion, a rather lecherous old fellow, and I was a saintly type. I was, forgive me, his mother. Now I am attempting to set up here with you a personal contact, not for myself but for you.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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