1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session june 4 1968" AND stemmed:live)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
When I come in this class I do so so that you realize the knowledge that is in the material comes through a personality, and that I am not some “ditto.” I have been here emotionally, hardly hidden in the folds of the curtains. I want you to realize that the material has been sifted through my experience. That the words are not dead, as indeed I am far from dead. A livelier spirit you have never encountered! The material, in other words, is given by me, a living personality, to you, and you are living personalities. We dwell in different dimensions but vitality and personality dwell in all dimensions. This room is saturated with my presence as if you had sprinkled it with that heady wine, aged wine. Indeed, I do not find it remarkable that you consider me a personality since, indeed that is what I am. Nor do I find it remarkable that you were not frightened. I do not consider myself a frightening phenomenon. Indeed, I find some of you much more frightening. I enjoy sitting here quietly, picking up your thoughts.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(V. whispered to T. asking if he was watching the tape.) I sipsise (?) [sic] whispers. I should perhaps address myself here, to this toy. I should forget you all and speak to it so that my tones may then be immortalized forever. My tones are indeed immortalized forever, but your tones are also immortalized forever. And this is what you must realize and understand, for if my presence permeates this room, so does your combined presence permeate this room and any room in which you have lived.
[... 18 paragraphs ...]