1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session june 3 1969" AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
...to solve your problems and triumph over your challenges—and the impetus is this: You must not journey into inner reality until you feel secure in physical reality—for you cannot live in two worlds at once unless you are secure in one. You need a firm groundwork—a groundwork that you can trust. And then you can travel through these other doors, but you must be able to stand on your two feet in this universe—and then you will go consciously where your body cannot follow and you will find your answers. But you must have something secure to hang on to. Now there is no better reason to solve your problems.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
You should desire good health because it is a natural state of your being. You should trust in the innate intelligence of your own being—which produces good health. Health is a natural state of your being. Through your physical image the energy of the universe expresses itself. You as an individualized consciousness are a part of this, and you cannot express yourself fully nor fulfill your purpose as an identity, as an individual, if you are not in good health—for the effects of the body are felt in the mind...and the effects of the mind are felt in the body. You distort the picture.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]