
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session januari 14 1969" AND stemmed:all)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 13/58 (22%) Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Tuesday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

In my own book, for an intellectual exercise—and simply for that, since I do believe that all of you do exist—I am going to deal in one chapter with the difficulties of proving—from my vantage point—that three-dimensional reality does exist and is inhabited by creatures—thinking creatures.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You think that the bodies that you have are permanent, but it is highly difficult for me to see the specific bodies that you now occupy, since I see you in all your reincarnational involvements and some of them have been highly involved indeed!

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Soon, you see, you will all be able to read the Seth material. You all have good minds. You are not used to using them. You set up barriers and gates and limitations, and the material demands your high intellectual focus. I want you to use your intuitions, but I also want you to use your intellects. Some of you still have to learn to use them and how to give them freedom. I spoon-fed you. And I added a bit of sugar here and there. But if you continue here in classes, more and more you will have to give. You will have to give your high intellectual purpose and learn to use your minds as you never used them before. I am a tricky old character.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am glad that you find me lovable. But I will trick you into using your minds. You must use all of your abilities. You will need them. And if you do well, you see, you can solve problems now. And if you are good you can skip a class, which means skip a reincarnation. The more problems you solve now, the fewer you will have to solve later. That does not mean that you will not have new challenges in other dimensions, for so you will. Think of the challenges that I have, for I must awaken you, and lead you onward and shake you up.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I want all of you to learn enough and think enough so that you will be able to read my material on your own—word by word—and understand what I am trying to say without the sugar coating and the frosting, though frosting is good.

I have indeed been here before, but then I have been in all the residences of our students. To show you that I have utmost concern for your neighbors I will keep my voice low. In any case, I will give you all a break, and if ever you crash into pieces I will pick you up. I may not be able to put them together again but I will pick them up. Now relax. You have nothing to fear but me. Awaken yourselves of humor—it is lost in the bulrushes (after a pun from Florence).

([Florence:] “I’m sorry, Seth, I was thinking that the last time I spoke to you I was in an airplane bouncing all over Utica. All I thought of was breaking into pieces.”

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The primrose path has many thorns and you are beginning to walk it. All of you, you see, with two exceptions—these two (Sue and Daniel)—youhave been so caught in organizational realities and daily practicalities that you have leashed your intellects. It is not that you do not have good intellects. It is that you have made a bargain with yourselves. And the bargain is, that you will not use your intellects fully so that you can manipulate more comfortably in your own environment. Now, I hope to show you that you can use your intellects fully and still operate more effectively in your environment.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

([Rachel:] “How do we have the power to determine the future if past, present and future are all one?”)

This is in your terms. To make an idea clear I must often resort to ideas of time that are current with you. You change constantly. Reaction is simultaneous, and yet you do have control. And in your own terms, I must often use past, present and future. Now when you read the material and all of it—you will find that your questions are well answered, for there is no question that you have that I have not anticipated. This is my job. You (Rachel) have the capacity if you use it—and the ability. I will stretch your IQ.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I wish you all good evening. Our friend over here (Sally), however, was quite correct. I am now momentarily in that circle, and you know it well. And if you do not fight me, as is your privilege, then you can look across the circle and see my face, for I lift my head.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You are at all our classes. You brought yourselves together.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I bid you all good evening, but I will visit some of you this evening whether or not you will remember.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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