1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session februari 8 1968" AND stemmed:time)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 14/58 (24%) Lillian Clifton Bonnie Indian Arc
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 9:25 PM Thursday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I have said this before and I will indeed say it many times again: those of you who come here, come here for a reason.

You are at a particular point in your existence and it is a time for you to learn and to develop. You are at a point where you are ready to look into yourselves, and to take the next steps that must indeed be taken.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Smile. Many times before Seth has told us he lived a life in Denmark in the sixteenth century.)

For some time you have all been searching, and I hope to show you how to ask the proper questions; for in the questions you will find the answers, and in the answers you shall be yourselves; and knowing yourselves fulfill your purpose and expand the limitations of your own consciousness until you can search out the past and the present and see yourselves as you are, and know that you are more than you think you are, and fulfill those abilities which you have partially developed in past lives.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I have been biding my time, seeking for the most auspicious moment in which to speak to you, and to announce my presence—for I am here in these classes, as indeed Ruburt knows that I am.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Jane, as Seth, again pointed to Lillian.) His daughter then marrying a man called Lines, a merchant. Difficulties in the left leg from an old wound. Also difficulties with the right ear and teeth. An overreliance upon emotionalism then, and a headstrong attitude, little given to reason. This time an effort being made to right those characteristics.

A half-sister at that time. Miranda Charbeau, from a French side of the family, who married into an English branch, into the Franklin Bacon family of Boston.

Now (in a quieter voice) I am here this evening merely to tell you that I am here. I am not here to do wonders. I am here to tell you that I have survived physical death, and that you have survived physical death time and time again. Quite simply, this is my message to you this evening, and I bid you a fond good evening...

And I am aware of many things that you think and do not say. Do not be afraid of old age, you who are so young, for you have been old many times before. And you are young now, and you learned from each lifetime, as indeed, you shall learn from this lifetime. (Smile).

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

Very well. Your idea of time is false. Time as you experience it is an illusion caused by your own physical senses. Your physical senses force you to perceive action in certain terms, but this is not the nature of action.

You must perceive what you do of reality through your physical senses, but your physical senses distort reality. They present reality to you in their own way. The physical senses can only perceive reality a little bit at a time, and so it seems to you that one moment exists, and is gone forever, and the next moment comes, and like the one before it disappears. But everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously, and the first words ever spoken still ring throughout the universe; and in your terms, the last words ever spoken have been said time and time again, for there is no ending and no beginning. It is only your perception that is limited.

Reality is not limited. There is no past, present and future. These only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. Since I am no longer within it, I can perceive what you do not see. But there is a part of you that is not imprisoned within three-dimensional reality, and that part of you knows that there is no time, that there is only an eternal now; and that part of you that knows is the whole self, the inner personality that knows all of your lives.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Pretend that you have seven dreams at once and you the dreamer know that you are dreaming. Within each dream 100 earthly years may pass —but to you the dreamer no time has passed, and there is no time to pass, for you are free of the dimension in which time exists. The time you seem to spend within the dream, within each life, is only an illusion, and to the inner self no moment has passed, and to the inner self there is no time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(End at 10:55. Jane, as Seth, had delivered the last material, on time, rapidly and in an impassioned manner.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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