1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session februari 25 1969" AND stemmed:qualiti)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969 1/20 (5%) ceremony repent blessing joy equations
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969 Tuesday

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Now—there are also emotional equations—and you are involved in an emotional equation. There is no situation from which you must escape in your inner group. There is a change that you have set for yourself and you have set up your own equation—and those in the class who are in both groups have their own equations—and in solving the emotional equations, you end up with spiritual clues. There is nothing from which you have to escape. There are truths which you are trying to approach. There is nothing from which you have to hide. There are truths which you are trying to discover. The campfire is highly symbolic, and it has different meanings for all of you who experience it. This does not mean that the campfire is not real. It is very real. It has a reality as legitimate as this room—but not the same kind of reality. The qualities of the equation have highly subjective meanings, and they need not be the same meanings to each of you who are involved with them. And I am in both circles. So I am a common denominator. And I am a friendly common denominator. And when you hear me speak, it is not only my vitality that you hear, but it is also your own vitality—for I am also a part of All That Is—and if I am ancient and new, so are you ancient and new. And there are miracles in this room, and miracles in each and every room which you must learn to perceive. There are joys and vitalities within you which you do not perceive, that you must learn not to understand intellectually but to feel. And you think because I speak to you when you are here that I belong here. But I am a part of no particular room and no particular time and no particular place. And you are a part of no particular room and no particular time and no particular place. Now to others that you do not perceive, you are as magical, you are as nebulous as a shadow falling upon a floor in midafternoon. They do not perceive you. And as they may not see your magic and your consciousness, so there are other magic shadows and other realities that you think beneath you that you do not perceive. But All That Is is aware of each shadow. And knows that each shadow... (break because of end of tape.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

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