
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session august 20 1968" AND stemmed:all)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 7/15 (47%) classes sic choosy sailing withdraw
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 Tuesday

I am no Volkswagen, that I am waiting for you. First of all, you must forget words like purpose and time. For as you have learned, they will impede your progress. They are limiting words. We shall give you better ones. I shall have to make up a dictionary for you. I will give you a vocabulary test. Pronunciation, meaning and spelling. Now as far as possible, you should divest yourselves of words that limit your concept. You must pretend that you are learning a new language and indeed you are. The language with which we are working, however, deals with far more than words. We must use words as you are aware of them. The words are all that shows, but beneath those words are actualities and realities. We can only hint at these with the use of words, and this is why we must be very careful as to which words we use. We must be very choosy and I know indeed that you are all very choosy people since you are here.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

So do not feel that you are powerless, do not feel that you are at the mercy of events, for you form events not only in this reality, but in these other realities which you do not consciously understand. Each move that you make is not multiplied a million times, not simply multiplied, but it reaches out and changes and alters and affects these other realities and it becomes a new action. It becomes a new action as it approaches and reaches other realities, and it in turn initiates action. For it will meet with responses, and these responses will be different. There is nothing that goes on in this room when you are here that goes on in this room alone. These meetings occur in this room, but they also occur in other realities, and when you come here to this class you are also attending a class on another level, and you are not aware of those classes, though I am aware of them. I am very aware of them, for while our friend Ruburt gives this class, I have been giving other classes and you have all been there. Education takes place on many levels.

A portion of yourselves exist also in many other realities. When these classes in this room are in progression, other portions of your own personality are attending other classes. You are fairly decent students on all levels, though I have not given you an A—that is because I am a difficult teacher. Now. This is an analogy—replicas of this room containing each of you exists now as you think of now in many other realities. Ruburt will explain electrical reality from our sessions. He will explain probabilities to you from our sessions. And you will see that while you are aware of simply one room and one time, and one evening and one class in your present moment, there are other rooms and other classes and you sit in them all. And each of you are given information according to the developments and characteristics of that particular portion of yourself who is attending.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You could call me a transplant. My heart would not do anyone much good, however, for you could not find it. There are many reasons, and all highly individual reasons, why various people choose different methods of death. There is no one reason, there is no one answer to any such question. There will be, however, a characteristic way of dying that will be adapted by different personalities. The ego may be strong enough to hold the whole personality back. The earthly temperament may simply hold on. The inner self in many instances will go ahead and wait.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You can compare these to simple earth spirits, but they are aware. They will in turn inhabit other forms, and even the most minute consciousness that resides within the smallest portion of matter, even that consciousness can grow and mature and change, for there is no limitation set upon consciousness. Even then, the smallest consciousness within its own terms of value fulfillment can emerge, can change, can alter, can develop. It can then gain and gather about it the potentiality to hold and control more and more energy. It can broaden the apparent boundaries of its own existence, for all boundaries are only apparent. They are illusions. Even the boundaries that you set about your own identities are illusions. They are not solid. You can go beyond them. It is difficult to portray to you the complexity of the realities themselves. For the difficult realm [sic] cannot understand the concepts that are involved.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Bega is doing well in his classes, and you are doing well in these classes. You are all developing and growing, whether or not you are consciously aware of it, and when you gather together there are beneficial developments that you do not understand, and that I am not prepared to explain to you this evening, for it would take too much of your time. There is, however, a pooling of inner knowledge that is highly helpful to all of you. I do not expect you to drown in that pool, for I have taught you how to swim, you see. And take care that you look out of the windows now and then, lest you all go sailing past West Water Street.

Jewel and I will polish you up. Now, all you need do is imagine I am speaking to you and you will go to sleep nights, since I seem to have that effect upon you in class. I am not a sandman. In case you are curious, in your particular case there is a relaxation of the nervous system that occurs, but not because of my melodious tones, I will note, but indeed my voice can travel as far as the onions [sic!].

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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