1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session april 8 1969" AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now, if you have learned anything in here, you must realize that when you tread a superficial web, you fall under. The inner strengths that are available to you, you are not using. Social discourse lately has been your profundity. You can indeed be more profound than that. This evening in class, you were not able to use your inner abilities. Now it is not often that I speak severely to you. But if I did not speak severely to you, then who would? You have seen, and you continue to see what can be done—and you have seen others come to class with no experience and little knowledge. You have seen our dweller in the hall here (Theodore) use his abilities—and he does not need to look for wonders because he is experiencing reality.
And our dear Lady of Florence: you have not yet put one tippy-toe in the clear waters of the inner self. You have not even danced about the shore. These inner realities represent your freedoms and your triumphs and your strengths—they represent the wonders that are within you—they cannot be given to you by another. No man’s reality is the same, whether it be physical or spiritual reality. You close the door to your own heritage when you do not look inward.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now you are all getting it this evening, but it is long due—and it is for this reason that our friend Ruburt did not welcome me with open arms at your last class, for he knew what I was up to. It does you no good for me to come here and give you a symbolic pat on the back, and say, “My chickadees, fly away—you are doing well!”—not when you are not doing well. You are not fulfilling your responsibilities to yourselves simply by coming here once a week. You are fulfilling your responsibilities when you go within yourselves every day. Is the journey, after all, that frightening? The fear is only what you have created yourself. You have made it and placed it before the door.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
When (to Florence) there is a mathematical problem in which you are interested, you try to solve it. You do not solve it by standing in front of it with your arms crossed and closing your eyes and saying, “Surely the solution must be fearful.” Now again, if our Lady from Florence did not have the ability to look inward, I would not try to force her to do so. But you do have the ability.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
You are the flower that is telling itself not to grow. You can counter this—and to some extent your attendance in class does counter it. You can counter this by changing your attitude. Where is your courage? You are extremely courageous in the exterior environment. We take on racial problems—we deal with the weighty issues of our community. We tend to look boldly and courageously into the problems of our society—but lo and behold, what happens to our courage when we think of looking into ourselves. Now, you are not being intellectually honest by refusing to look into yourself. You are using your intellect instead as an excuse. You are saying, intellectually I will not operate in this particular area. You think you are saying, I am too intellectual to operate in this particular area—my intellect impedes my progress. Your intellect does not impede your progress, your attitude towards your intellect does. Your intellect can be used to examine your progress. It can be an aid and it can help you in your achievement. Your intellect is not afraid of the inner self. It will grow with you gladly and as a friend if you will allow it to do so. Pretend then that the inner self is another land—and that you are a tourist—and highly curious—that you are intellectually and intuitively curious—pretend that all this courage you use in your daily endeavors is an aid to help you find your way in this new and strange and wondrous environment. Imagine yourself using all the abilities, as you look inward, that you use daily in looking outward.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I will let our friend (Ruburt) rest—but I will stay in focus—and you had all better stay in focus!
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
Now our Dean has not experienced this yet. Our friend Ruburt has—and several of you have the ability to do so. And it would make your ordinary everyday intellect seem like an idiot child indeed—for you have no idea of the ability of your intellect as it really operates. Now I speak to you not idly—and these are not mere promises thrown about. These are realities that you can experience. These are a portion of your own as well as mine.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Tell him (Ruburt) I do not want him wearing any false eyelashes in our sessions—they do not fit my personality!
[... 3 paragraphs ...]